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wtf are you doin on the internet at school anyway.
My school is a joke. We just dick around all day. Play music incredibly loud in the library, and top it off with watching burn outs in the parking lot during lunch. A toast to the Florida's school system. :beer:
Originally posted by TRuggiero_@Feb 19 2003, 03:24 PM
My school is a joke. We just dick around all day. Play music incredibly loud in the library, and top it off with watching burn outs in the parking lot during lunch. A toast to the Florida's school system. :beer:

I'll drink to that--Pills, have a shot with me :P High school was the best 5 years of my life!

They built a 1/2 mile strip off of the main road to get to my high school--greatest school EVER.
haha. 5 years. Well that's like what I was in college. oh well, as long as you stick to it.
Good luck brother man!
Nice web site. must have been a smart guy to think of somthing that complex.
Originally posted by asmallsol+Feb 19 2003, 08:04 PM-->
@Feb 19 2003, 10:46 AM
Funny as hell but my teacher thought I was actually dealing drugs and I got a referral. No sweat though.

ha thats great

dude, you got rocked. You should complain that they are freaking retards.

florida .. ahh, yes .. In Virginia we thank you all for the AP tests you get to take for free.

We hear that you .. floridians (!?) intentionally get scores of "1" for the hell of it .. and thus .. the AP Bell Curve that they MUST achieve, is flilled up with funny florida students, and the upper bounds of the curve are filled with us Virginians ;)

LOL, btw .. you got totally owned. My school system tries to own me by explicitely denying access to my personal webpage. Wait .. one more time ... MY PERSONAL WEBPAGE IS EXPLICEITELY DENIED AT SCHOOL.

(yah, so I built a workaround for that weird firewall we have .. IGear, and .. yah .. I fought the shcool system (and won!!) over the creation of an independent school newspaper (hehe, thanks to a probono legal association too), but c'mon now)
Werd, every test we take, everybody fails it intentionally, all tests are graded on a curve, therfor, everyone gets a 100% curve. Everybody gets an "A" for failing. That's mostly why Florida is number 49 in edumacation. Next to like Alabama or something who they just live on farms and inbreed and don't go to school.