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apparently that Vince Offer guy, loves to sue... So.. watch what you say or he'll sham wow you in court :ph34r:
I like this guy. :)

I couldn't accurately describe what I liked about his presentation of the Sham Wow, but the Wiki article nails it:'s Seth Stevenson praised Offer for his "impressive and subtle mastery of the pitchman's art" and wondered if Offer's "abrasive manner might also mark a unique, new strategy in the annals of pitchdom." Stevenson compared Offer to earlier, "more upbeat" television pitchmen like Billy Mays and the Home Shopping Network hosts and concluded that Offer's "smooth-talking condescension" was more suited to the present zeitgeist than the "earnest fervor" of spokesmen like Mays and Ron Popeil.
Anyone notice how the sham wow commercial is flawed? When he pours the pop on the rug it has a puddle underneath it. They cut away and come back, it's still there, then they do another quick cut and back and it's gone.....

I wanna sue him for false advertising there! Watch it one more time, you'll see what i'm talking about!
Anyone notice how the sham wow commercial is flawed? When he pours the pop on the rug it has a puddle underneath it. They cut away and come back, it's still there, then they do another quick cut and back and it's gone.....

I wanna sue him for false advertising there! Watch it one more time, you'll see what i'm talking about!

I noticed it the very first time I watched it. heres my quote

WTF happened to real time?