So I got my first racial insult today...

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Yah... well I was at the mall today with a couple of friends, and we happen to just accidently bump heads with these little asian 'thugs' apparently we were looking at them 'funny'. Well anyways we got into a huge conflict and being the little punks like they are they don't want to start anything, so as they were walking away I heard one of them say this is quoted 'fucking round eyes' :laugh: . I just thought I'd share becuase I've never heard this racial insult used before and found it quite amusing. I'm half white and half asian so I was assuming the insult was directed my way considering my buddies with me clearly have 'chinky' eyes.

Edit: GrammAr & Spelling :mrgreen:
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Yah... well I was at the mall today with a couple of friends, and we happen to just accidently bump heads with these little asian 'thugs' apparently we were looking at them 'funny'. Well anyways we got into a huge conflict and being the little punks like they are they don't want to start anything, and as they were walking away I heard one of them say this is quoted 'fucking round eyes' :laugh: . I just thought I'd share becuase I've never heard this racial insult used before and found it quite amusing. I'm half white and half asian so I was assuming the insult was directed my way considering my buddies with me clearly have 'chinky' eyes.

Edit: GrammAr
third times a charm buddy.
Next time that happens start yelling at them in japanese and say your karate is no match for my karate.

Don't forget to setup in a super deep stance like that one dumb ass in that fighting video then dance around like a fairy.
I'd rather make stupid fun of them rather then to pull out the racial trick.
Being with a girl that's half chinese and half pino gives me some insight to all the racial terms =)

Besides I needed a reason to bring up that kung fu fighter.
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The Asians around here would just shoot you. :p
you couldnt be moer right. i remember when someone called me a sand ni**er one time, because im indian. there are some people on this planet that just freakin group middle easterns, indians, and etc all together. its frustrating sometimes, but its fun to just beat the living SHIT out of them to make you feel better. naw im just playin about the last part. but ignorance is something you cant win against no matter how hard you try. shit when i was a freshmen and after 9/11, every FUKIN brown person, including me had a goddamn target right on their head. thu're rough times and good times, that's how life is.
this is what you shoulda done...

i just call everyone a fucking slut. thats interracial, so its much safer :)