so much has changed in the last 10 years

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i even remember dial up.....i thought it was the most awesome thing when i was a kid
This is why I am considering home schooling my kid and generally whoopin his ass at random intervals. Global warming causes job loss? What in the hell are these kids being told.
Wow, that was like a repeat stab in the face...and I'm not even that old...
that shit was painful to watch.... not because i give a shit about what they do or dont know about or what they think of anything... because seriously, they are 9 years old... what the hell do their thoughts or opinions matter any way

"welll i think...."
:slap: "your 9! no one that matters gives a shit! shut the fuck up while adults are talking"

those kids were annoying as fuck.... these kids are in 4th grade??? they sound like fucking kindergartners... was this from a special ed class?? please tell me it was a bunch of retards and that kids in the 4th fucking grade arent really this damn retarded

god damn i fucking hate kids
The Future Of Our Country said:
Going green is using the four R's, Reuse, and I forget what the other two are...
Shall we firebomb Africa so it can have time to smolder out before these kids start ruling our country.
just hearing you guys talk about it is giving me a softy.... i dont think i want to watch it and get pissed off tonight.
Part of the reason they are so dumb is because we as a society feel the need to coddle every son of a bitch until they die. I have never baby talked my son. I explain things to him in a clear level voice and hold him responsible for his actions. He may only be 3 but by the time he is 9 he will have his shit squared away.
Part of the reason they are so dumb is because we as a society feel the need to coddle every son of a bitch until they die. I have never baby talked my son. I explain things to him in a clear level voice and hold him responsible for his actions. He may only be 3 but by the time he is 9 he will have his shit squared away.

they're in 4th grade
they are still learning how to add and multiply 3 digit numbers ffs
i don;t know that i would call them dumb
they are just expressing opinions
the point is, that their opinions dont matter. they are 9.
There opinions may not matter but I get the impression that these kids are coddled and babied. This leads them to have shitty opinions and ideas when they become adults. They turn into shitty little selfish brats that grow up to be 30 year old hippie douche bags.

I think this little interview draws to attention that parents and teachers in general treat kids as babies. Instead of young adults. A 9 year old is old enough to understand some basic points that pertain to the real world. Like what happened on 9/11 maybe.