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Yup, unfortunately most of the honda forums are overrun by ricers. But if you want to learn more about tech stuff and hondas in general you should check out www.hondaswap.com . I think it and our site are the only bastions of truth left in the honda forum community. It's mostly about 4 cylinders (b series), but there is one member, pissedofsol, who has one of the most broad bases of technical knowlege i've ever seen. He can explain just about anything having to do with the existential nature of engines, especially forced induction. If i didn't know better, i'd say Steve was trolling.
LS/T del Sol.... probably not happening any more
i dunno- this doesn't belong in this thead anyway
Originally posted by pissedoffsol@Jan 9 2003, 07:40 AM
im looking to spend under a grand dude- thanks anyway
i want a coupe
i want white or black
that car meets none of my requirements
Originally posted by pissedoffsol@Jan 9 2003, 11:30 AM
no fast, or how fast?
with an itr tranny, i could easily hit mid - high 13s with what i have and swapping my turbo cams and pitsons for na ones.
for my track (drag) car, ls/t sol
Skyline for AutoX
Neon for daily driver