Some People Think Im God

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Yup, unfortunately most of the honda forums are overrun by ricers. But if you want to learn more about tech stuff and hondas in general you should check out . I think it and our site are the only bastions of truth left in the honda forum community. It's mostly about 4 cylinders (b series), but there is one member, pissedofsol, who has one of the most broad bases of technical knowlege i've ever seen. He can explain just about anything having to do with the existential nature of engines, especially forced induction. If i didn't know better, i'd say Steve was trolling.


But who is pissedofsol? :P

B, whats this all about??

LS/T del Sol.... probably not happening any more :(

I'm so fucking confused with cars, my car, silvias, skylines, and what i really want to do.

i just don't know anymore...
E is trying to tell me to just keep the sol, go NA in with the LS... and buy this 240 im eyeing... white coupe... some body damange but who cares- its all parts that the silvia pieces will replace... its automatic.... and i can get all this shit done for around 4500.
i just don't know... who knows...
my turbo guy that i was going to get all that shit from dirt cheap flaked on me... so fuck him. and im out of that deal... i didn't get ripped off, as i never paid him- nothign like that-- he just changed his mind on selling the shit...

i dunno- this doesn't belong in this thead anyway :( :ph34r:
he's worse than a woman... cant make up his mind about shit
" do i do the sol or do i do the silvia ?"
" do i keep the sol as a daily driver and build the silvia or do i build the sol and do the silvia as a daily driver? "
" do i sell the sol and just have the silvia? "
" do i just build the sol and hold out for a skyline?"
" do i want to build the sol? "
" should i keep the sol N/A ? "
" should i go N/A LS or should i buy a B18C1? "
" should i sell the del sol grow my hair out start smoking weed and buy a 1973 VW bus? "
" why is the sky blue? "
" what if C-A-T really meant dog? "
" how many licks DOES it take to get to the center of a tootsie pop? "
" why do they call them fingers? ive never seen them fing"

perhaps you should change your name to confusedasssol :)

If youre gonna scrap the whole ls/t plan, and go n/a, why would you use a ls motor?

Now is the perfect time to sell it and get a b20/vtec or b18c or something like that. or maybe a bored out ls/vtec

If you can afford to pimp out both the 240 and the sol- go for it. But if you need to keep the sol as your daily driver while the 240 gets worked on- that is great too. I guess it all depends if you can afford to have 2 badass cars...

LMMFAO@" why do they call them fingers? ive never seen them fing"

i dunno- this doesn't belong in this thead anyway

Ok, back to you being god. :worthy: :worthy: :worthy:
im looking to spend under a grand dude- thanks anyway :)

i want a coupe
i want white or black

that car meets none of my requirements :)
Originally posted by pissedoffsol@Jan 9 2003, 07:40 AM
im looking to spend under a grand dude- thanks anyway :)

i want a coupe
i want white or black

that car meets none of my requirements :)

Can't be picky, gotta go with what you have.
if you go na on the ls no fast could it be..... its a dumb question but i was wondering.
no fast, or how fast? :P

with an itr tranny, i could easily hit mid - high 13s with what i have and swapping my turbo cams and pitsons for na ones.
Haha, i grew up with that guy (VaV6)! Looks like he took my advice to check out the site. I didn't think he was gonna cop my style though and go LS/T. Always been a cheapo anyway. :P
Hey! I resent that remark Greg! I'm not a cheapo, i just like big hairdryers under the hood. :angry: j/p :P

Anyways, just giving respect where it's due. Now i see what you mean by "stealing your sig", it's changed. I guess great minds think alike. :D
Originally posted by pissedoffsol@Jan 9 2003, 11:30 AM
no fast, or how fast? :P

with an itr tranny, i could easily hit mid - high 13s with what i have and swapping my turbo cams and pitsons for na ones.

b by now you should know i m a shitty typer
In one post a while back you said this is what you want (think it was in the :ghey: neon thread)

for my track (drag) car, ls/t sol
Skyline for AutoX
Neon for daily driver :lol:

I think that you should go this way. Keep the sol for your daily driver, keep riding on your Ractive springs and keep spinning the OEM hampster wheel (for now)

Skylines are cheap in Japan right? you can pick up a used one for the price of a civic right? (about 5-10k) Buy the Skyline, dont register it, make it your trailor queen. You pay 1-2k to get it shipped here, you pay a few coustoms fees and then you have yourself a sweet autocross car. That blows most of your money away. Save up for all your mods and by the time your done, you could have yourself a sweet car. Even in stock for it is a sweet car. Just buy a shitty ass hillbill truck to pull the trailor and then you have something you always wanted.
Finish your fucking sol already, so have so much money into it that you will NEVER get it back. Just get this fucking turbo in there, thats I have been hearing for the last like 3 years my car is going to be fast. Finish the sol, the do up the 240. Maybe don't go as crazy with the sol as you planned but still boos the bitch.
Boost that LS. Don't run NA with the LS. In a heavier car they just aren't impressive. I know, I tried. I dumped that idea as soon as I rode in my friend's LSVTEC. For NA VTEC is the way to go, the LS just can't compete and stay streetable.
BOOST is my vote... I am kinda looking at the same thing. I am starting to really wonder if the guy who is trying to hook me up with all the car parts I have discussed is a pathological liar, or just REALLY UNLUCKY. He said last night that his 2 cousins that were the ones that could get us all the car parts died in a car accident when their car exploded getting onto the freeway in California. I don't know where in California, but has anyone heard of such a crash? He said from what he understood the car caught fire from being pinned against the railing by a semi-truck, then the bottle of NO2 they had exploded, killing them.

In any case Brian.. even if I can't get any parts now, I am still going to slowly but surely get my car turbocharged. You should too.