Son of a... Worst luck with bassists

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Sorry to hear about your troubles man, that's pretty shitty luck you got going there. Things will come around though, eventually, just give it time. Although, I know that's not something you have a lot of. If I lived in Cali, I have quite a few friends that I could recommend, but I'm on the other side of the country. Anywho, good luck with the search. :thumbsup:
I played the bass in high school, I got pretty good at it and then put it down when I went into the military. Kinda miss playing though, it was fun
Move to Texas, I'll play bass for ya. I've got a couplea Fender basses and a Gibson, and an Ampeg SVT3/4x10 rig...I am teh hella bass playin' foo, y0z.
I think it would be radical to learn Flamenco. I had a friend who used to play. But I don't want to grow my nails out.