speedo stopped working ???

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drive it like U stole it
new problem i got my car back to gether finaly and now my speedo is not working i checked the plug and didnt see any problems and i went and barrowed my buddies from his car and i know his works and still nothing does any one have a clue as to what might be causing it to not work
what have you done with your car...did you just swap in a new engine....need some more info...did you do any wireing...

sounds like maby your spedo itself needs replacing...
i just did the clutch wich might have something to do with it but i also tryed rewiring the car for a p2p ecu and i couldn't get it working right so i put it back to a p2e i used a conversion harness and i switched pin a15 for the gas relay everything is back to the way it was so i can figure out what i might be
I'm not to knowledge about this.... But I just put in a new clutch and flywheel, When i started it and tested it for the first time mine didnt work either. A check engine light came on, All it turned out to be was the connection on the transmission was loose. That little plug you can see if you pop the hood.
Its called a back-up switch on your tranny.
The connection could be loose or not connected at all.

check the connection, make shure the wires werent cut or anything like that too.
if not that maybe your speedo went out on the cluster itself, your can replace the cirict on the back of the cluster
Does your speedo do anything at all?I had the same problem after my swap but my speedo would freak-out 0-120mph when was setting in traffic.It turned out to be my main ground wire from the battery.It appeared to be fine, no corrosion or anything,but when I replaced it problem solved!
Its called a back-up switch on your tranny.
The connection could be loose or not connected at all.

No, its called a vehicle speed sensor, but the connection needs to be tight and free of any corrosion or liquids.

check the plug to make sure that you didn;t bend a pin when you tried to plug it back into the speed sensor.