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yea dont worry the ice will get your way biatch, lol jokin

yea its hell rite now, im goign to try and go get the ice off my car, its going to be fun
My car was covered, and I live all the way up here in Mount Vernon!!! All our snow melted today though, it kind of sucked because we had a good 3-4 inches.

On another note, I got to drive my ol' 1980 Datsun in the snow for the past 6 days, and I have to say that RWD is the best in snow...

Maryland back in I think 1996 power was out for a week trees were falling all night long you would hear a crack then a loud BOOM due to big ass trees falling

fun stuff man very fun stuff =)

we also had about 2 feet of snow that iced over it was so bad that you could jump up and down and it would hold up just fine

I miss the days of no work just sitting around playing in the snow, video games, cards, and never having to walk up the next day for work =( ohwell
Originally posted by jeffie7@Jan 7 2004, 10:32 PM
I miss the days of no work just sitting around playing in the snow, video games, cards, and never having to walk up the next day for work =( ohwell

that goes also for school.i used to love snow days during school but now they suck because you have to go to work no matter what the weather is like :(
Last year we had a bad ice storm in CT. We had limbs falling everywhere. There was no power in some places for 2-3 days. There was this one tree in my yard, probably about 34-40ft high and about 9 inches wide. It feel over and missed my blazer by 2 feet and my mom's new passat by 3 feet. If my brother had not gone back to school that night one of our cars would have been crushed.