Taco restaurant brawl caught on video

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The video shows the brawl from 2 angles. In teh 2nd angle you can see how the 1st two guys are just hanging around and then get attacked.
That guy throws a fucking haymaker on that fool that tried (and tried badly) to rush him. Fucking rocked his jaw off.
Dude in the jersey got rocked...lol.. could barely stand up afterwards
i hate to see people get kicked in the face/head while down
that guy was out for the count after that one shot, they could have just left him there, he wasnt getting up anytime soon lol
that was awesome.

but, you know that one of them will try to sue for them releasing the security video. probably the one in the jersey.

just solid proof that what you do today, will be on youtube tomorrow.
damn that was great! i usually dont like to watch fights, just hate to see people getting hurt... but this was a good one. both of the guys that got attacked were some ass-whoopers!
Shitty part for the two guys that got jumped there is a good chance that because they beat those dudes in an unbalanced fight they get jumped by 10 or 15 dudes next time. Or they end up getting stabbed or shot.
Not bad, awesome that no one broke it up

Usually in public shit like this lasts for 3 seconds
at 2:19 they guy in the jersey gets kicked in the face while crawling. thats probably what made him so stupid at the end
the guy got kicked in the face twice actually :17 and :24
and he couldn't get up after the first punch, he was just flopping around like a fish
the second punch he got, while he was lying there really seemed to diminish his capacity, clean shot to the temple

the dude walking into the store needed a little better backup, lmfao
skateboarding punks
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i hate to see people get kicked in the face/head while down
that guy was out for the count after that one shot, they could have just left him there, he wasnt getting up anytime soon lol
I would have done the same thing to him. You're going to bum rush me while I'm hanging out in a restaurant? He deserved the beating he got. Guy needs to figure out his identity because right now he looks like a wannabe cholo wigger playing bad ass. And he is clearly none of the above. I also extremely dislike the guy who rips off his shirt before a fight. Especially if you're barely even going to help your friends. I don't care who the guys you're fighting are, you don't let a friend get beat that badly while you do practically nothing.
Its funny in the second camera view, the three dudes that came in left the one dude by his self and even pushed him in and then stayed outside.. Untill he got knocked the fuck out then they rushed in..