Tdehnel Vs 92b16vx

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im sorry YOU jackasses (tdehnel) are probably on here every saturday night trying to correct people's spelling like a 3rd grade english teacher. If you can't understand the slang typing, it's because your still learning how to read words like "YOU" and "why". so, my advice, go in your basement and dig up those 1st grade spelling and vocab tests and refresh the concepts of such words as you and why and your. then when you're all done, really test yourself and put them in a sentence. by the time you bone heads are done theyll be releasing the 2004 civics. and to u 92b16vx, you probably riding around lawnmower with a performance exhaust ducktaped to the back and a wing hanging on your nuts!!

Not to mention,boring.You must be really lonely,you need a hug :P haha
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