Technology Is Taking Off

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Im just interested in other peoples thought. In just the past year a lot of stuff has happened. With introduction of dual core chips, Xbox 360 launch, dual link graphic cards for ATi and Nvidia, the SlingBox etc... 2005 was a frenzy. 2006 already is panning out to be probably even greater year.

As we can see B is hyped up about Hi-Def DVDs, the paper launch of PS3, AMD saying quad-core by end of the year, I cant fucking wait. Also, Sharp displayed a LED LCD monitor that was seriously 1/2 inch thick at CES and Samsung saying we're ready of OLEDs.

So now what? What do you guys think will happen in the next 2-3 years technology wise? Anything goes from computers to car electronics.

And just a side note, Nvidia bought out or rights from Uli and Rambus. And Seagate bought Maxtor.
On the other hand, Medical advances have come a long ways...20 or so years ago we were using leeches for certain illnesses, and drilling holes in temples. I, personally, have seen the advances first hand. In 2003 when I recieved this heart transplant, I first survived a month through artificial machines that breathed for me, pumped my blood, and even filtered my blood.

Normal procedure for a post-heart transplant recipient is to have a schedule of biopsies where the surgeon would enter your body through your jugular vein in your neck, and proceed to send this plumbing-snake looking thing through the vein into my heart, where a grappling hook would pop out, and take a piece of my heart out. The piece it takes out is then tested for rejection, excessive scar tissue, etc...

Earlier this year, they were experimenting with a series of blood panels that would deduce the rejection rate through a simple blood draw. Which is a lot easier than a day surgery.

In addition, the heart I recieved does in fact have a shelf life, 20 yrs. In 20 years, I will need to recieve another donor heart in order to continue my own measly life. One must die so another may live, so to speak. It's just amazing when I sit back and think of the medical advances that will literally change the practice. All I can do is down my 15 meds 2x a day, and wait.
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In addition, the heart I recieved does in fact have a shelf life, 20 yrs. In 20 years, I will need to recieve another donor heart in order to continue my own measly life. One must die so another may live, so to speak. It's just amazing when I sit back and think of the medical advances that will literally change the practice. All I can do is down my 15 meds 2x a day, and wait.
Hopfully in 20 years they can pick a heart out of the heart garden.

Unless Bush happens to change things so he can stay in charge for the rest of his life.
speaking of medical miracles, doctors have saved babies with hunt's diease by using blood from the umbicial cord. its a source of stem cells and they used it to help regrow tissue for the infants. fucking amazing.

and ditto with jeffie. hopefully in a few more years, they will be able to grow hearts, lungs, etc... with stem cells instead of having to clone a whole person. i know in south korea they are already flood with apps for patients hoping to walk again or what not.

as for holograms, im sure theyre not that far away know. i just read some big company made picture/movies that are 3d without the need of special eyewear.

and as far as science is concerned, the new frontier is nano-technology. they have been experimenting with these little probess that get ejected to you. doctors then can access your medicial history, vital signs, blood pressure with something (i forgot) that makes the millions of probes emit photons through skin to display the info. the probes are powered by glucose from the body. crazy!
I trully think stem cell reasearch and the field of genetics will give the greats leaps and bounds. As of now human cloning is 100% possible. So the next step it to clone and make single organs, at replacement parts. Sone they will be able to grow you a new perfect heart
Ya know... My wife and I were going to "Save the cord" from our son... But... Its $2,000, and then $120/yr for storing it... And it won't necessarily DO anything... YET. And there are no guarantees it will even save correctly...

StemCell research has some time before its good to go, but I look forward to it...

And I really look forward to a cure for the disease that disgusts me the most... Cancer.
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On the other hand, Medical advances have come a long ways...20 or so years ago we were using leeches for certain illnesses, and drilling holes in temples. I, personally, have seen the advances first hand. In 2003 when I recieved this heart transplant, I first survived a month through artificial machines that breathed for me, pumped my blood, and even filtered my blood.

Normal procedure for a post-heart transplant recipient is to have a schedule of biopsies where the surgeon would enter your body through your jugular vein in your neck, and proceed to send this plumbing-snake looking thing through the vein into my heart, where a grappling hook would pop out, and take a piece of my heart out. The piece it takes out is then tested for rejection, excessive scar tissue, etc...

Earlier this year, they were experimenting with a series of blood panels that would deduce the rejection rate through a simple blood draw. Which is a lot easier than a day surgery.

In addition, the heart I recieved does in fact have a shelf life, 20 yrs. In 20 years, I will need to recieve another donor heart in order to continue my own measly life. One must die so another may live, so to speak. It's just amazing when I sit back and think of the medical advances that will literally change the practice. All I can do is down my 15 meds 2x a day, and wait.

DNA alteration so you don't need 15+ meds a day to keep your new heart happy
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DNA alteration so you don't need 15+ meds a day to keep your new heart happy

or just allow stem cell research

Waiting for the a new bill to pass saying that condoms are killing babys thus they must be outlawed, then it will be dry sex that will be banned because its keeping from god's plan from happening
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On the other hand, Medical advances have come a long ways...20 or so years ago we were using leeches for certain illnesses, and drilling holes in temples. I, personally, have seen the advances first hand. In 2003 when I recieved this heart transplant, I first survived a month through artificial machines that breathed for me, pumped my blood, and even filtered my blood.

Normal procedure for a post-heart transplant recipient is to have a schedule of biopsies where the surgeon would enter your body through your jugular vein in your neck, and proceed to send this plumbing-snake looking thing through the vein into my heart, where a grappling hook would pop out, and take a piece of my heart out. The piece it takes out is then tested for rejection, excessive scar tissue, etc...

Earlier this year, they were experimenting with a series of blood panels that would deduce the rejection rate through a simple blood draw. Which is a lot easier than a day surgery.

In addition, the heart I recieved does in fact have a shelf life, 20 yrs. In 20 years, I will need to recieve another donor heart in order to continue my own measly life. One must die so another may live, so to speak. It's just amazing when I sit back and think of the medical advances that will literally change the practice. All I can do is down my 15 meds 2x a day, and wait.

DNA alteration so you don't need 15+ meds a day to keep your new heart happy
Where can I sign up for that?