The Amazing Screw-on Head

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Gonzo Scientist
Yes, you heard me. Now, most of you have no idea about comics outside of x-men and superfriends but I'm sure you've heard of Hellboy. This is a funnier comic created by Mike Mignola of Hellboy that invigorates the "steampunk" genre (see Steampunk - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ) even more than the homunculi of Full Metal Alchemist (which I care little for). Its full of occult and Lovecraft-ish creatures and technology like Wild Wild West or League of E.G. - the book, not the moive :mad: ), plus zombies and apes and Abe Lincoln.

SCIFI.COM | The Amazing Screw-On Head

Watch it. Do it.
Saw it a little while back, definitely some great stuff there!

I love the monkey with the tommy gun and the guy that got smoked in the hookah.

I... know... everything.