The Jeffie Challenge:

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My grandmother put a cup of sugar in the spaghetti sauce. She had alzheimers from the time I was 6.

i put sugar in my sauce all the time.

Sugar kills the acidity of the sauce.

learn how to cook before you knock grams :p
Did you miss the lamb post?

Lamb Chops - Hands on Kitchen

Cook it in a pan for about 3 mins each side, then slip it in the oven under a broiler to glaze some type of sugar.

p.s a side of rice FTW.

My guess was pretty close, but yeah - you're right, this recipe is far better.

And I gave a brief look around the hands-on, I must have missed it. I'll spend more time there now :)
ah, good point
i was just wondering what it looked like when you were done
It looked nasty anyway. The Lamb wasn't cut right (by me) and it wound up lifting around the edges. The bone fell right out too, so it had a big hole in it.