The Real Fnf2 Trailor

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wow, somebody needs to put that horse down. I hate to say it but I am looking forward to seeing this, just for the chase sequences.
I think it's dumb that Vin Diesel isn't in it.
eh what the hell it's gonna suck just like the first one did.
Originally posted by CRX-YEM@Jan 24 2003, 06:07 PM
I think it's dumb that Vin Diesel isn't in it.
eh what the hell it's gonna suck just like the first one did.

Vin Diesel is a fag, he does two movies that go big with him starring and he wanted 20mil for FNF2. :wtf: If it wasn't for FNF he would still be that guy from the movie pitch black that bombed and has shitty acting. You would think he would have more class then to ask for such an outragous ammount from the people who made him!

and ladies and gentlemen :tfg:
Damnnnn Gina. That mustang did get owned.

And that was the best part heh.
Originally posted by Silverchild79+Jan 24 2003, 03:50 PM-->
@Jan 24 2003, 06:07 PM
I think it's dumb that Vin Diesel isn't in it.
eh what the hell it's gonna suck just like the first one did.

Vin Diesel is a fag, he does two movies that go big with him starring and he wanted 20mil for FNF2. :wtf: If it wasn't for FNF he would still be that guy from the movie pitch black that bombed and has shitty acting. You would think he would have more class then to ask for such an outragous ammount from the people who made him!

and ladies and gentlemen :tfg:

want to see vin diesel teaching you how to break dance?,00.html
LOL.. ludacris is in fnf2.. and wtf.. whos gonna do 140 and not look at the road.. :wtf: and what's even more "gayer" is that some little bitch with mommies civic is gonna do some shit like that and kill someone or kill himself and his passengers.. then its gonna be the cops all on ppls asses.. all over again...
i honestly can't wait to see this movie. i loved the driving stunts from the first movie and i think anyone who posts on this board and says they aren't interested in this movie is lying.

yes the cars are rice, and yes the storyline is very weak/shallow. but overall it will be entertaining and definitely worth the 7 dollars.
I watch the first one all of the time, simply b/c my love for cars. I dont have to agree with the styling or anything, but its entertainment.

Chet - 7 bucks? Fuck.. this state is one of the cheapest wages wise, but the movies here in town are 11.50 at one place and 12.50 at another. :angry:
$6.50 for student that show school id (that includes collage id's) and i still think that is expensive. Plus i think that if the movie sucked, they should give a pass for a free admission next time

anyone see "25th hour"? Dont see it, the plot does not devole till um... 1 into it, even then the plot is weak. Then he goes on this "Fuck everyone speech for like 10 minutes" (which i thought was the best part and no i am not a racist, just some of it was funny but taxi drivers, wallstreet brokers and just about anyone in between may be affended)
That was the worst movie. I couldn't get through half of it. Thankfully I only downloaded it off of Kazaa.
There's a $1 theatre here that when movies usually leave normal theatres, they go to the $1 theatre. Fills in the transition from big screen to vhs and dvd. If I don't want to waste $7 on a movie I just wait three weeks and see it with the change I find in my car.
Damn.. the trailer was kinda weak but I'll probably end up going to see it anyway. It lost the Vin appeal to it plus now they're in Miami, not that there's anythinr wrong with Miami. The look and feel is so different. The first one had a kind of dirty look as far as the colors the chose. That rustang .. damn.. I think that will be the best part of the whole movie.
8.50 a flick here....

i'm def going to see it- june 6th y0!

and can we say HAYYYYYYY
