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dude, your a dumbass thinking that only in japan nsx is a honda.. Acura is Honda.. Acura is the luxury part of honda.. i read that luxury bullshit from somewhere.. like car and driver... anyways...
Acura NSX is a honda... any acura is..
whoa all the name calling so harsh! lmao.

I think what he meant by the NSX is a Honda in japan is that its got honda badges not acura badges like here in the US. Kinda like how the Toyota Altezza sports toyota badges in Japan and in the US it has Lexus badges.
Originally posted by rmerrell@Sep 29 2002, 06:50 PM
dude, your a dumbass thinking that only in japan nsx is a honda.. Acura is Honda.. Acura is the luxury part of honda.. i read that luxury bullshit from somewhere.. like car and driver... anyways...
Acura NSX is a honda... any acura is..

ummm...go down to any Honda dealer and tell them you are there to test drive an NSX
there is no such thing as ACURA in Japan, they dont need a 'luxury' division. Therefore there is no Infiniti, Lexus, or Acura over there



thank you, have a nice day.
Originally posted by sisteve@Sep 29 2002, 10:13 PM
there is no such thing as ACURA in Japan, they dont need a 'luxury' division. Therefore there is no Infiniti, Lexus, or Acura over there



thank you, have a nice day.

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