Today I Went To The Volvo Dealership

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When the ride finished I was glad to get inside and drive my 95% stock '90 Civic LX back home, which, by the way, had more space inside compared to the expensive euro car. That's 1 more reason for me to like Honda. :worthy:
sigh* i dont fit in a Civic HB... i dont see how you can say its roomie :blink:
well actually if the sunroof panel is slid back my head needs that space and my hair brushes the glass... damn cold in winter and smokin in summer!
Sit in the front right seat of a S40 and youll understand why i appreciate my civic, I got in and could feel the windshield in my face, never felt that in my civic
my buddy has a 2000 c70, its pretty damn nice he says compared to my rice and my brother's 90 hb.
Originally posted by [spoon
,Jan 31 2003, 08:04 PM] sigh* i dont fit in a Civic HB... i dont see how you can say its roomie :blink:

What are you 8' tall?I am about 6' 3" and a civic hatch is the roomiest car i've had next to my rex,even the Accord was a tight fit,but civics hold it down for the tall folk.Even my buddy's 240 sx,the e brake hits my leg,and I feel cramped by the steering wheel.
dude i have an accord and a hatch and the accord it way way roomer than the hatch! for compfor t i love the accord! even theought the steerign wheel is kinda big but for comfort ill stick with the accord! in the hatch i have to keep my knees all close and the shifter keeps hitting my knees. no way is that car comfy yO!
Originally posted by RENR@Feb 2 2003, 09:07 AM
dude i have an accord and a hatch and the accord it way way roomer than the hatch! for compfor t i love the accord! even theought the steerign wheel is kinda big but for comfort ill stick with the accord! in the hatch i have to keep my knees all close and the shifter keeps hitting my knees. no way is that car comfy yO!

What years?I got in a 99 Accord and put the seat all the way back and barely cleared my legs with the steering wheel.In my 92 civic I have to put my seat forward a click or two or it is to far back yo-yo.