Trying to network my home computers

  • Thread starter Thread starter xj0hnx
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I wanna be sedated
So I have three computers in the house, and a Xbox 360. the 360 is easy, but I am having trouble getting the computers to do what I want. Both of the ones I have connected right now connect to the internet fine, but I want to be able to share file back and forth between them. Ideally I would like to see each machine from the other one as if it were a drive or something like when you open explorer, but so far I can only see the XP machines shared folder from my Vista 64 machine, but not vise versa.

The set up is;

Dynex wired router->
primary machine with Vista Premium 64-bit with all external drives connected to this machine...
second machine with XP Home...
third machine with XP Professional...

I enabled sharing on one of my external drives, but still can't see it. Everything is plugged into my Vista machine, and I need access to all my external drives. How do I do this?
try putting them under the same workgroup name. and double check the ports are open/firewall settings. i kno norton 360 blocks sharing.

i just picked up an external and ill try to network it with a vista machine and access with xp pro machine. ill let you know later this evening how it goes.
worked for me.. just make sure all under the same work group. my norton was blocking it so i had to adjust my firewall to allow computers to connect. then i went to the vista machine, right clicked the hard drive and "shared." i went to advance sharing and added the entire hard drive folder and then set my permissions to read. to access from xp machine, i went to view workgroup under network and it too a minute or two to load but everything showed up.