U.S. citizens is teh failz

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Daniel tosh: "If there was any part of the nation that needed a bath it was New Orleans, come on it's redneck mixed with french. That's disgusting"
Rep for you dacheat. Amen.

Additionally, why would someone sue for more money than the country actually has. I mean really. in theory, what would one person DO with a quadrillion dollars.
there isnt 4 quadrillion dollars in the entire fucking world

there isnt even 1 quadrillion dollars

as of 2005 there was just under 41 trillion
wwwwwwwwwwwow. you know if my family died in a hurricane and my home and everything i had acquired was destroyed by the same event, and i wasn't forced at gunpoint to live below sea level in hurricane alley, i'd shoot myself for my apparent stupidity before i'd even come close to contemplating the idea that the government owes me something. our government owes these people nothing in my book; sure it's nice when the gov't tries to help people recuperate somewhat after a terrible disaster but it isn't mandatory. my goddamn tax money is NOT to be spent rebuilding a trailer park below sea level in that godforsaken cesspit part of the country. jeeeeeeebus. local taxes for local problems. you don't make dick for a wage, so you can't pay much of a local tax? you're not gonna get dick for aid, unless it comes from bleeding heart donations. now those, i'm all about.

it isn't that i lack compassion, it is that i expect our government not to be in the business of it.

B, I think we just found you a running mate for your 2058 campaign!
there isnt 4 quadrillion dollars in the entire fucking world

there isnt even 1 quadrillion dollars

as of 2005 there was just under 41 trillion

Thats what I was thinking. They made us figure out how much money was circulating the world in high school...wasn't near 4 quadrillion. Dumbasses.

Should've evacuated like everyone else did. We had thousands of Katrina refugees come all the way to valdosta, ga. Most places in between too...
i worked with someone at whataburger who was actually stranded on a house after the hurricane when the city flooded...

he was probably the most annoying person i have ever met.
should have kicked him in the dick every time you saw him
Rep for you dacheat. Amen.

Additionally, why would someone sue for more money than the country actually has. I mean really. in theory, what would one person DO with a quadrillion dollars.

there isnt 4 quadrillion dollars in the entire fucking world

there isnt even 1 quadrillion dollars

as of 2005 there was just under 41 trillion

Thats what I was thinking. They made us figure out how much money was circulating the world in high school...wasn't near 4 quadrillion. Dumbasses.

Should've evacuated like everyone else did. We had thousands of Katrina refugees come all the way to valdosta, ga. Most places in between too...

Well obviously they're not going to get four quadrillion dollars. They're just asking for an outrageous amount to make a point. They'll settle for much much less.
more money to add to the United State's debt... I doubt they will see any of it though.
I have a great idea for all of these people, next time someone says that a killer storm is come and evacuations should start GTFO. As far as I'm concerned Katrina re-affirmed Darwins theories on survival of the fittest. Gene pool survivor island and the dumbies got voted off.
that guy refered to earlier also had the worst excuse for why he didint leave when i asked him why he didnt ...

"its not like you can pack up everything you have and just leave"

well no shit but its alot better then getting standed on a house for five days and loosing all of your shit.
to make matter worse they knew that the leeves wouldnt hold. They said it on the fucking news a week in advance or so! Saw on it Colbert report or something. How can one sue with info like that?

They interviewed some worker and they said that it might hold a cat 1 storm. anything bigger than it would break. ITS ON THE NEWS! I guess some were out gator hunting instead of paying attention. I have no pity for those people. It was clear of what they are capable of doing to themselve after the storm hit. The true americans who had common sense walked the highway. The ones who were blocked found refuge and stuck it out. The ones complaining were stealing tv's in knee deep water ,raping women and shooting at the refuge choppers that were dropping supplies.

What was mississippi doing right after the storm when they had no help? they came together and help each other clean up the crap. They should gave poeple notices that they were gonna bomb the leeves. Who ever didnt leae could stay there. Fucking drown the city were it belongs.....under sea level

Fuck that city.
If they are going to sue the US Govt., they may as well sue God too. . .
i'll give em $1.50 and a bag of cheetos

you're more generous than i am, and i applaud you. ^_^

yeah i didn't even live in the region and i heard more than i wanted to about GTFO. the only point being made is the stupidity and arrogance of the people trying to make a buck out of their self-imposed misfortune.

i gotta say for the record that HS rocks pretty hard; when shit's bad (minneapolis bridge falls down outta nowhere) the response is compassionate. when a town gets crazy-flooded and beaten down by a hurricane, we're all amazed anyone left down there survived. when those survivors wave their stupid card, HS doesn't pull any punches and i love that.

"yes, katrina sucked, yes you were stupid for staying, yes we'd rather punch you in the cooch than listen to you whine, and no we don't wanna give you money."