Urg, I Almost Got Scamed

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Fraud Warning.

Recently member civicSiR1 claimed that he could get a set of Toda Fightex coilovers for 600 which included a camber kit. (normally 100-200 alone.) The ones that he was claiming to sell are the Type ST: (Seperate Tank) which retail at $3,380. So in otherwards, he was trying to give me a $2700+ discount. Sounded too good to be true. I asked him for a picture of them along with tons of other questions, he always found a way to avoid the picture question. To be even safer, I asked him if paying with Escrow.com would work, kinda gave me one of those, "i will try me best, you can trust me kind of things" I replyed, "this is a ton of money for me and i will only pay with Escrow."... no response.

Also I asked him why he was selling them so cheap, he said that AKH was having a big promotion last month. I did some investigaing....

Email to TodaRacing USA...

Colin, (urg, you spelled my name wrong :( )

Thank you for your e-mail and interest in TODA Racing.  That's pure
B.S., we
have never had any whole sales on TODA or FIGHTEX products.  And we
make any kits called "Full Kits", that's B.S too.  Hope this helps.

Best Regards,
AKH Trading/TODA Racing USA
Tel 714-327-0181
Fax 714-327-0184

-----Original Message-----
From: Collin Snyder [mailto:golfguy1619@yahoo.com]
Sent: Friday, February 28, 2003 8:11 PM
To: toda@todaracing.com
Subject: AKH Trading

Recently a on an online classifieds, someone was
selling a pair of fightex coilovers for a great price.
It is almost one of those 2 good to be true kind of
prices. Anyways I asked him why so cheap and he

why am i selling it for so cheap? last month
AKH had a huge whole sale.....i bought what they
called Full Kits.....Full kits are everything Toda
offer for a specific car.....so i got most of
everything of civics and integs....for the retail
price of 4300

To make this deal on these fightex legit, can you
please tell me if from time to time you (AKH) ever do
these sales.

Just to be on the same side, If I do decide to buy
them, I am taking all the precautions by going through
Escrow.com (like paypal but also with a COD and a
middle account for the money to be held until they are

Can you please tell me honestly if you ever sell
theses "Full Kits"

Thank you,

(hopefully your next f3 driver :-)

Cliffs. Story sounds too good to be true, investigation proves that his Story does NOT check out. Dont buy from civicSiR1

EDIT civicSiR1, if you want to defend yourself or tell your side of the story, go ahead, if you do not i will have one of the Mods put you on the Dont not buy from list.
civicsir1 = teamreckless for those who couldn't figure out his big talk on a spoon/toda all motor car (pure bullshit also)

Good searching Collin :)
Originally posted by Domeskilla@Mar 1 2003, 09:25 PM
civicsir1 = teamreckless for those who couldn't figure out his big talk on a spoon/toda all motor car (pure bullshit also)

Good searching Collin :)

Nice job Collin.

I never made that connection, but it explains why I found him irritating.

spork racing owns spoon
HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM and what does CIVICSIR1 have to say?

:angry: SCAM ARTISTS!!

hey maybe he didnt mean ... full ..... he meant.. hmm.....
never mind.. its pointless...
well before I receaved the email from Toda that this was bs, I asked him for his phone #. Today he PM me it and he did not say anything about this post, maybe he has not read it yet. I probally wont even bother calling him, even if he does have them, they are probally stolen, or else some APC coilover with a Toda Sticker on them :angry:

If CivicSiRi would come clean about this, show proof that this sale is legit, I will edit and delelte this post and have one of the mods delelte this entire thread.
umm not that this matters, but he spelled "wholesale" "whole sale"

that is the correct spelling isnt it?

if he was on the up and up.....im sure his spelling would have been too....

wat a grate deel
Originally posted by karnash@Mar 3 2003, 04:48 PM
umm not that this matters, but he spelled "wholesale" "whole sale"

that is the correct spelling isnt it?

if he was on the up and up.....im sure his spelling would have been too....

wat a grate deel

If you look in the Responce from TODA, they spelled it that way too, one extra space does not bother me but if he said stuff like, "DUDE, I will trow some Mad azz HeaderS in they're." That would made me put up a red flag. Basicly he sounded all professional and knowledgeable in all his respones except with all the... in .... his... respone when i ask...ed ....him why so ch...ea...p :)

I sent him a PM asking what was up and a link to this thread, he has not reponded to it yet. I will give him untill tommrow or else i will have one of the mods throw him on the Hit list... i mean sellers to avoid list. :)
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