VCR finally died need to find a replacement

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Hey all got a quick question for you. My VCR finally died the other night which left me with a few questions. Should I spend the 40 - 50 dollars to get another VCR or should I upgrade to something better?

My fiance and I soley use the machines to tape shows that we will be missing for the week or to tape shows that are on at the same time. I have heard that some of the digital recorders are nice but I don't want to burn onto a dvd everytime. We like the "eraseability" factor so to speak. I know that if we upgrade to digital cable we can get a dvr/tivo like device but I don't want to spend the cash every month to pay for digital cable I have had it before and could care less if I ever get it again. What are my options all I want to do is ocassionally tape a show for a one time viewing at my convience.


must be able to record a tv show while still being able to use that tv.

I don't want to be constantly burning DVD's

has to be less than 250.00 for the item

Any Suggestions?
im not sure what the costs are by you, but with digital cable, the DVR box only costs me an extra $5/months and its well worth it. If they are generally all the same, you can record two shows at the same time and if you're not recording HD content, you could easily get two weeks worth of shows recorded. I watch CSI HD, Heroes HD, Jericho HD, and a few others and I normally have enough room for about 1 1/2 weeks.
Digital cable blows - too many channels with nothing on and way over priced in my honest opinion. right now i am paying 47.99 a month for regular cable. If I wanted to jump to digital I would pay 65.00 minimum plus another 5 per month for a dvr. This is way not worth it. I would save 264.xx a year.
Digital cable blows - too many channels with nothing on and way over priced in my honest opinion. right now i am paying 47.99 a month for regular cable. If I wanted to jump to digital I would pay 65.00 minimum plus another 5 per month for a dvr. This is way not worth it. I would save 264.xx a year.

true, im not a fan of cable, id love to have satellite. But i believe I pay about $65/month but that also includes internet and basic HD channels (ABC, CBS, NBC, and FOX)
yeah, its all about give n take really. For instance, when we had Francis and Jean (hurricanes) coming over us, we were bunkered down at my bosses house who has DirecTV and we were watching the news during the height of the storm. It really all depends on the placement of the dish and if its covered in a way. And with cable, not sure if its my DVR box or Comcast, but Heroes tends to have a lot of issues with audio cutting out or the video lagging. The audio is weird though, it always plays the background sounds but its like the characters loose their mics, very odd.
back on subject... We bought a DVD/VCR combo... Its a nice 4 head unit with a Progressive Scan DVD... Cost about $100ish...
well we were at my fiance's parents house and she mentioned that the vcr died so her mom gave us their "extra" phillips dvd/vcr combo. So I guess the problem is solved for now.