Video Card

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My computer has a Nvidia GeForce 2 Integrated GPU

I am looking to add a PCI card that will be about the same as what i have now...

Will this do?

JATON VIDEO-118PCI-32DDR GeForce2 MX400 32MB DDR PCI Video Card - Retail
JATON GeForce2 MX400 VIDEO-118PCI-32DDR Video Card - Retail at

and i'm also looking at 2 of these
HP L1706 Silver-Black 17" 8 to 12 ms LCD Monitor 300 cd/m2 500:1 - Retail

HP L1706 Silver-Black 17" 8 to 12 ms LCD Monitor - Retail at
does it suck more than what i have now?
i'd like them to be similar

and which part sucks?
the PCI video card part?
or the 32mb part?
and what would a "non sucky" card cost approx?
no gaming, just office work
well if you are just doing office work, why get a new card? I doubt that office is really loading down your cpu with graphics processes.

If you are looking for something under 40 bucks:
BIOSTAR GeForce FX5200 VP5200SS16 Video Card - Retail at

Thats gonna be the card you want.

To answer your question, PCI does suck for graphics interface, and it can be buggy at times.

For a PCI card id have to go with this one:
GECUBE Radeon 9250 GC-R9250LPCI-C3 Low Profile Video Card - Retail at

after shipping its 45 bucks
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i'm looking to run dual monitors
i thought the cheapest way was to just add a PCI card and be done with it

i currently have one monitor output thats integrated into the mobo
i'm trying to add an AGP? whatever kind of card right now but my computer doesn't seem to be seeing it, not sure if i need to move jumpers on the mobo or what the fuck is going on
if you know anything about this let me know

i think the one i am trying to get to work is a
Chaintech RIA3D5 - Geforce 2 32 MB AGP
older than shit, i just wanna see if i can make this work
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adding a pci card will not allow you to do dual monitors. youll want a card that either had 2 outputs for vga or get a monitor that support DVI and connect 1 with dvi and one with vga.

what youre thinking wont work.
well considering hes posting stuff from newegg and the one i posted above is from newegg...i get the feeling he knows where the site is.
ok, so here's my dilema
i've tried an AGP card, but i get nothing from it
the computer doesn't even seem to recognize that its there
whats the chances my AGP slot is shot?
Go into your bios and disable the onboard card and that should enable your AGP slot.
MX400 and FX5200 absolutely sucks. I had a MSI 128 FX5200, and upgraded to a Radeon 9600 that I got for free...It's like night and day. I say upgrade to a Radeon 7000 or something around there; ive seen them go for about $40.
nVidia < 6200 is worthless. At the bare min you need to have a 6200 or better. And they should be pretty cheap.