Water Temp Guage

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alright so i bought an autometer water temp guage...unless im not hooking it up right its broke, however its probably me...the guage came with some brass peices that go in to the thermostat, i thought everything was cool untill i unscrewed the old senor and the autometer fittings threads didn't fit....no to panic i screwed the old one back in and hooked it up. Next i just tried to tap the sensor wire for the guage into the green wire going to the stock one...then i grounded the guage and wired up the power to the cig. lighter....i started my car up and drove around...nothing the guage doesn't even move. the needle moves up just a hair when i gets power but it never gives me a reading eather below 100F, or the max...maybe in not using the right guage wire or something, but if anyone knows and can tell me exactly what to to i would be greatful...thanks