weird iphone apps

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blackberry is better.

Not saying its not, pretty much every forum I see that has an storm post, you see one of the iphone followers say, iphone is better!!!! I bought a storm because I didn't want to be one of "those" people.Now to see a iphone post and someone coming in to say Blackberry is better!..... I don't want iphone users or people like iphone users coming over to the blackberry side to brag about what's better/worse.

iphone = more fun, more aps, big fad, anyone that has one must show off that they have one and how cool it is.

Storm = people who USE their phone for everyday use, it's not a toy, it is a device that makes their day easier. I love my storm, having e-mail on it and internet rocks.

however, there's nothing wrong with the iphones, great phones, just too many poser users.
whats an iphone?

i was not impressed with the storm. the OS was way too slow compared to my beefy curve, plus the touch to click interface on the storm just feels cheap.
I got my brother an ipod touch for Christmas, I've been messing with it more than he has. :) The guy who made the iFart app (can't believe that one didn't make the list) made $40k in two days. I've actually starting looking into the sdk because of that. :D
Not saying its not, pretty much every forum I see that has an storm post, you see one of the iphone followers say, iphone is better!!!! I bought a storm because I didn't want to be one of "those" people.Now to see a iphone post and someone coming in to say Blackberry is better!..... I don't want iphone users or people like iphone users coming over to the blackberry side to brag about what's better/worse.

iphone = more fun, more aps, big fad, anyone that has one must show off that they have one and how cool it is.

Storm = people who USE their phone for everyday use, it's not a toy, it is a device that makes their day easier. I love my storm, having e-mail on it and internet rocks.

however, there's nothing wrong with the iphones, great phones, just too many poser users.
^^What he said.

Personally, I love my iPhone. I've always had a smartphone of some sort, whether it's a ppc6700, blackjack, or the 8525. I liked them all, but honestly I didn't use half of the features(not to mention the bulk sucked and was annoying in my pocket). I find the iPhone much more enjoyable and usable for me. It has my gmail and a good internet browser. Plenty of storage for music and movies/podcasts. It's not going to be the right smartphone for everybody, but it's good for multimedia and entertainment, and I love it for that.
I work for Verizon, and all the old Blackberry users who switched to the Storm think it sucks. :ph34r: I think the touch interface snows them.
I have a BB 8100 (Black Pearl) and I like it not too fancy but not to buisness. I like getting E-Mails and internet on my phone. Also I did it by accident but if i send myself a powerpoint from work to home i get it on the BB and it will open the pp and it works. I know a friend at work that wanted to see them on his iPhone and he had to download an app for it.
I own an iPhone and despite the small glitches here and there, it's a nifty thing to have.
The storm is badass in itself, but I really didn't get much of a chance to play with it (seeing as how its a Verizon phone)

I am with Jeffie on this one ~ no need for pointless arguing........
.......Ninjas are cooler than Pirates ;)
I work for Verizon, and all the old Blackberry users who switched to the Storm think it sucks. :ph34r: I think the touch interface snows them.

Compared to an iPhone the Storm is a pain to type on. Apple got the typing down on a touchscreen.
I'll give apple that (the iphone touchscreen is very nice), but if you have fat fingertips both phones are horrible to type on.
I think the Storm was difficult for me because there was no enlargement of the letter you're using like on the iPhone so, I couldn't see past my fat fingers to see which letter I zero'd in on.
I think the Storm was difficult for me because there was no enlargement of the letter you're using like on the iPhone so, I couldn't see past my fat fingers to see which letter I zero'd in on.

That was my main complaint about the ipod touch at first, when I was first figuring it out...

Me: How the heck are you supposed to see what letter you're pressing?

Ipod Touch: Look, I SHOW you the letter you're pressing above your finger, dufus.

Me: Oh. :ph34r:

Also: I am a god at Tap Tap Revenge. I was never very good at hit-the-button-when-the-scrolly-thing-gets-to-the-line games like DDR or Guitar Hero, but the small form factor makes this one a breeze for me. I'm rocking 96-99% on all the 'extreme' level tracks.
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I have a storm and hit up the forums, here's my take on it.

A good bit of people who buy the storm want an Iphone, either they're not with ATT or they just buy the storm because its an Iphone.... it is NOT the iphone, I see it over and over again people bitching about the most stupid things on the forum screaming about how they're going to take it back it doesn't do this or that.

Then you have massive hardware issues that IMO half of them are software issues.

Storm is super slow, yes, I agree 100% because most every storm user I've talked to as with the storms in the Stores have almost every app open and running in the background, I also did the same thing with my storm, it got super slow, turns out I had, 2 game open, a movie open, txt messages, internet browser, setup for the VZ nav, camera was going, and I had my pictures open, everything running hidden in the background because I didn't close them. With the storm everytime you open something you have to close it, if you don't close it it just runs in the background, this goes for EVERYTHING even the help page.

Storm right out of the box (its a brand new phone with new software) is a bit clunky, you have to set some options to make it a bit better and if posible do an O.S update. there's a bunch of leaked O.S verisons on the internet, some have bugs but over all most work pretty damn well.

Normal user that has no clue how to use anything buys the storm as a phone and hopes for an Iphone = someone who bitches about the phone sucking. It's like buying a Corvette and bitching it sits too low, handles too tight and you feel too many bumps in the road...

anywho, every person that has made a comment about the storm being slow, or how the iphone is 10 times better have all said pretty much the same thing after I show them mine..

"wow, thats not bad at all!"

YouTube - MOV07553

check out how slow my storm is.....

Also I've noticed a few of the hard ware issues like the click screen some how went away for a good bit of people who upgraded the o.s.... yup hardware....... again, 12 apps running in the background makes everything even the touch screen a bit slow. even more so with HD style videos running in the background.


If you don't read the youtube info, the pictures take awhile to load but they're all very large pictures, I dont think a single one is under a 1mb in size and it loads a bunch of them so you can slide it in the picture viewer. If I use normal smaller pictures it loads very fast.
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If the problem is that the majority of people aren't realizing that they're leaving everything running in the background, perhaps the solution is to either default the system to close apps when they lose focus or to make the fact that multiple apps are running more obvious.
I like my iPhone. Probably because it actually syncs my dates and contacts EVERY SINGLE TIME I PLUG IT IN, and I didn't have to install some wierd software, and do some dance every time I plug it in.

I used to keep blackberries running for the US Army, so yeah, I don't like them. It's nothing against the people who use them, I'm sure jeffie is a cool guy, but I never liked having to fix them. If you've ever setup a blackberry on a military network, you'd know what I'm talking about. It's so simple with a non-commercial user, but I've only done that a few times. My experience with a blackberry is like pulling teeth. Don't get me started on the bluetooth smartcard reader either......

Some of those apps are pretty cool, but honestly, a lot of them are stupid. You think "Wow, what a dumb app" until you see how much money the developer made....

iPhone fart app pulls in nearly $10,000 a day VentureBeat
I like my iPhone. Probably because it actually syncs my dates and contacts EVERY SINGLE TIME I PLUG IT IN, and I didn't have to install some wierd software, and do some dance every time I plug it in.

I used to keep blackberries running for the US Army, so yeah, I don't like them. It's nothing against the people who use them, I'm sure jeffie is a cool guy, but I never liked having to fix them. If you've ever setup a blackberry on a military network, you'd know what I'm talking about. It's so simple with a non-commercial user, but I've only done that a few times. My experience with a blackberry is like pulling teeth. Don't get me started on the bluetooth smartcard reader either......

Some of those apps are pretty cool, but honestly, a lot of them are stupid. You think "Wow, what a dumb app" until you see how much money the developer made....

iPhone fart app pulls in nearly $10,000 a day VentureBeat

the military probably didnt put out for a BES either, which makes syncing your calendar, contacts, email and tasks realtime and easy. just need an email address and an EA password.

iphone uses exchange activesync which sucks ass. being an exchange admin im allowed to say that :lol: