what do i do?

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Senior Member
ok... i just got in to a accident in my gsr and it doesnt run but the engine looks ok. taking a closer look and removing some stuff i see that the mount on the driverside has shifted a lot. i look at the block and i see the bolt kind of twisted out of the block and there is like a tiny crack where the bolt goes in to the block. what do i do?? i can still use the engine right? im planing on swaping the engine, suspension and brakes to a civic. what do i do with the part where the mount bolts on?

thanks for the help
Sounds like the same problem that by buddy has. Some bitch hit him and he broke the side mount. The crack can't be in the block or you are probably screwed. What you have to do is if the mount is crooked, you have it get is chopped of and grinded down and rewelded back on so that it is straight. Otherwise the motor will sit crooked and if you get it running you will probably completly snap the mount after a little while because is is already cracked. But Did you say that the motor runs? If it doesn't you might have screwed up the entire motor altogether and it will be considered junk. Altogether I would have a mechanic look over the mount and make sure that you didn't crack the block by cracking the mount. And then have it professionally machined back together to salvage it.
