what tranny is it?

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ok i recently bought my CRX with a GSR swap already done. i was askin the guy an ass load of questions about the car (cause i like to know exactly whats on my car) and one question i couldnt get answered was what type of tranny he used. i asked him if it was cable and he said yes and he THOUGHT it was the Y1 but hes NOT SURE. how can i find out what type of transmission is there, or even if its a cable like he said? is there a stamp on it or anything on the tranny itself?
To see if it is cable or hydraulic look at the front of the transmission,You will see a cable going to a actuator or a flexible rubber line coming from a hard line.There should be a little stamp on it(next to the block towards the top of the tranny)with the code.And you can reference the number on it in the reference section.
the transmission should have a barcode stamped on it...

read that code, and post what it is.

its almost definitely a cable transmission...just look to see what type of mechanism engages the clutch.
ok i checked out the tranny code. it said YS1 - 1.... and some numbers. does that mean its the YS1 tranny? i looked an its cable. let me know is that the same as Y1 cause i never hear it refered to as YS1. thanks.
also is this a good tranny? i just took it out for a drive today for the first time and this thing literally hauled ass. i dont know how fast i was going on account of my speedo doesnt work, but what i did notice was that under hard acceleration 2nd and 3rd gear grinds. is this bad or is it just me? i guess its possible that its me cuase im not used to the car yet. let me know. thanks.
well the grinding is a somewhat comman thing, your syncros are going. One way that will postpone this is to get Honda Manuel (sp?) Tanny fluid and flush your tranny oil.