Where To Find Cherry Picker?

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I am doing my swap this saturday, however the ***** who was supposed to lend me the cherry picker is playing games, so I have to rent one.

I was curious what is the best nationally recognized place (pep boys, autozone, rentacenter) that rents out cherry pickers, and who has the best price for the day ? Thanks in advance
try a local rental shop like sunbelt or u-renco or something like that....i'm not sure if autozone rents or just sells cherry pickers....in my area i think they are $75 a day....
You may or may not have it in your area, but a company here in Michigan is Murray's Auto Center. The sign has a huge bearded smiling face on it. In any case, they don't charge to rent for a day or two anything, and I believe they have cherry pickers. (But you do have to put down a deposit)

Try just calling around to local shops, just not ones that are national. Maybe they will loan ya a cherry picker.

Good luck!
If it's $75 dollars a day to rent one, then you are better off just buying one from harbor freight or somewhere like it. They are less $200.
i bought a nice one from auto-zone (even folds up) for about $200
its actually more stable than a lot of non-folding ones ive used
I've bought and returned from Discount Auto Parts, but I'm cool with all those guys, I think they have a no-return policy. You can usually just be like hey, can we work somethin out like...
You: Hey, can I buy this cherry picker, give you $10 and return it when your working again?
Cashier: Sure.
use the rafters and a chain host for 25 bucks it works like a charm. and the rafters are hella strong put a 4*4 across two or three then hoist off there i have done 350-454 small and big blocks so i know that a honda motor dosn't hurt it one bit
for the 25 why not!