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Is there any difference in the 2 white wires on my obdo distributor?
I had to wire in new plugs on distributor, I have removed all pins and put
them in the new plug. I have two pins left and they are both white wires ,
I have two white wires on the corresponding plug. Can I get these backward?

Can you post photos at this forum?

Thanks all

I highly doubt that both of the wires are plain white. Look them over carfully! They should have a line or a dot of some sort on them. (you should ahve paid closer attention when disconnecting them, ONE AT A TIME) Good luck

no there are two white wires, this is the good ol 50/50 fun little game you get to play when you mess with distributors, you just have to chance it, if you get them backwards you wont get any spark, then you just de- pin themagain, and flip them back around and it will be fine.