wireless internet owns

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read the title.

ever since i bought the wireless router and card it's been great. i can be in the lounge and still bring the laptop and be on the internet while i watch tv.

everyone go buy one!! then get hondata too!
Whew, I thought you were talking about satellite internet before I read the post. I was about to go into a long dissertation about how I'd never touch it again.

How about, instead of you TELLING me about a wireless network and a Hondata, you just buy me them so I can try those out? :wall:
:werd: I thought he was talking about Sprint Wireless Internet as well, I was getting geared up to explain (using diagrams) how Sprint bends you over, the procedes to rape you anally without lube. Wireless networking rocks.
Ummm yeah, that's a pretty good description of what Sprint Wireless does to its customers.
holy unsafe batman!

I could walk by, and pick up your info an then buy a hondata and my own wireless itnernet with your credit card number you just gave to http://alljdm.com for some new wheels or springs :)
i doubt it.

anythign that passes over the air uses a frequency... that frequency can be read with something as simple as a $10 scanner from radio shack.

buy a card of the same type- and i bet you can get it to
I have my wireless encrypted with 128-bit and then a second firewall that I designed. To use my wireless you have to break both firewalls then my SSID, and figure out what channel I am broadcasting from. Try me!

Pills_PMD what kind of router do you have, sounds like you have a linksys.
well. what it comes down to is that i like being able to go to other room. i know about sniffers and how they can take your credit card # and whatnot. but if i need to do any transactions online i still have a hardwire into a wall if i need it.

so if i can use AIM and post on hondaswap then i think its all good. and there is some encryption and what not. a firewall and all that good business. lol
People don't break 128 bit encryption, they get the info before it's encrpted. Like a trojan program with a key logger on your computer.
Linksys makes halfway decent home networking equipment, but I'd spend the money and go Cisco. At least I would since I can program them. And break their passwords. It's one of the easiest things to do. The only real security with a router is making it locked in a closet.
i loved my wireless.. but lately its been acting up and its pissing me off :angry:
Originally posted by lsvtec@Nov 12 2002, 01:13 PM
:werd: I thought he was talking about Sprint Wireless Internet as well, I was getting geared up to explain (using diagrams) how Sprint bends you over, the procedes to rape you anally without lube. Wireless networking rocks.

sprint = :ghey:
no sprint is just ghey............. i had one of there cell fones and they charged me 3 dollars to talk to a real customers servise person!
i sell t-mobile and i m sick of white trash stupid motherfuckers that think sprint is so great cuz they gave them a fone. what the white trash mother fucker dont know is that they will never get there fuckin rebate cuz there stupid ass dont know how to fill em out and the people at young america that get the rebate throws em out if there not done right. to top it off they spent hundred dollars or more on a shit fone that wont last the whole year of there contract. what make me more mad is when the walk bye and say like sprint gave me a great deal.. i m like are you so sure i could of got you a nokia fone for about hundred dollars less after activation fees and price of fones!!! i hate sprint!!!!