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Don't read it any more then. :P

I'm just saying how I had my wisdom teeth done- and that's really how it went down. It was something like 10 years ago though... no pain, no gain right? I always want to stay aware, and know what the hell's going on around me no matter what. Getting it all done under local anesthetic wasn't any problem. It's kinda neat seeing those monster teeth come out of your mouth as soon as he pulls them, rather than wait to wake up and see them lying on the table next to you or get them in a plastic bag or something. It's truly amazing that your jaws can hold teeth that big...
i woke up during an exploratory surgery on my stomach. yeah that was wierd, they put me out immediately though so i only got to see the doctors thank god.
OMG!!! i am getting my wisdom teeth pulled very soon and you guys are scaring the crap out of me. Hell no..forget that..i'm keeping them..i don't care how bad they start to hurt. You guys make it sound like they are removing my gall bladder. Is it really that bad? or are you guys exaggerating?
Originally posted by Calesta@Mar 12 2003, 01:18 AM
Don't read it any more then. :P

I'm just saying how I had my wisdom teeth done- and that's really how it went down. It was something like 10 years ago though... no pain, no gain right? I always want to stay aware, and know what the hell's going on around me no matter what. Getting it all done under local anesthetic wasn't any problem. It's kinda neat seeing those monster teeth come out of your mouth as soon as he pulls them, rather than wait to wake up and see them lying on the table next to you or get them in a plastic bag or something. It's truly amazing that your jaws can hold teeth that big...

dude, u dont wake up with them lying on the table next to you. the drugs make you feel soo good and soo happy.

end of story. one of the guys i used to work with, hes in his mid 40's said when he was in the army, they didnt have anything

except for tylenol. he got his teeth extracted WITHOUT any pain medication whatsoever save for a couple of 500mg tylenols.

now THAT takes balls.
Originally posted by Zerosk8r455@Mar 12 2003, 12:26 AM
OMG!!! i am getting my wisdom teeth pulled very soon and you guys are scaring the crap out of me. Hell no..forget that..i'm keeping them..i don't care how bad they start to hurt. You guys make it sound like they are removing my gall bladder. Is it really that bad? or are you guys exaggerating?

Don't worry man- it's not a big deal. Yes it's surgery, but when done correctly you're just a little sore in the mouth afterwards. Most people I know got theirs removed under general anesthetic (asleep), and they had perfectly normal experiences. I just did mine while awake under local anesthetic, so it was a little different. Don't fret about it. Tons of people get their wisdom teeth removed every day, and they're ok.

Originally posted by karnash@Mar 12 2003, 01:20 AM
dude, u dont wake up with them lying on the table next to you. the drugs make you feel soo good and soo happy.

Well, I wouldn't know, since I watched him pull them out of my mouth. :lol:

No anesthetic and just Tylenol? Damn... yeah that does take balls! :kick:
ya but for insurance purposes they make you watch that shitty ass video before you go in.....

it is bascially a compilation of horror stories of extractions gone wrong....

im in so. cali (do u ever get tired of hearing me say that? im almost as bad as the MY NEW SI guy)

and they made me watch it. i turned my head, put my fingers in my ears and hummed till it was over.....
Oh, ok. I doubt my dentist would have made me watch it, even if it was required here. He's worked on my mouth for 20 years straight, so I don't think he was worried about me suing him or anything.
just got back from the dentist and the one that was going to do it without any trouble just left to go out of town and the other dentist in the office doesnt like doing wisdom teeth, she could pull one without any trouble but the rest she would have to work harder out and she doesnt trust herself that much yet, so i had to get another appointment with an oral surgican. i want to keep my teeth in a jar.

they werent planning on putting my under, the only pills i would have gotten was going to be extra strength teynol. i was so hoping to not go to school tomorrow but i gots to now, but i can also work tomorrow night which is going to be good.

Splinter Cell is a awesome game, hard but easy to think around parts, for everyone that uses the walkthroughs, that is not the way to do it, it is funnier without. i am stuck at the end of the hostage execution one where all the gaurds rush in, tried it 4 times got annoyed and walked away.

:kick: this one is great lol
Originally posted by Calesta+Mar 12 2003, 07:07 AM-->
90 accord
@Mar 11 2003, 10:58 PM
all you guys are pussy's. i had mine out friday, and all 4 were impacted. i was up and about on saturday, but just eating soft foods.hell, i even walked out to the van immediately following the surgury. i know most wont believe me, but its the truth. i guess i have a higher pain tollerence then most of you?

the only 'side effect' is that i am still getting real tired real fast though, with any physical activitys.


What a bunch of wusses. I didn't even "go under"- I did mine with just local anesthetic, and I was back at work within the hour. I could feel everything my dentist was doing... pulling, cutting, yanking pieces out... fun stuff. That's what happens when your dentist served in Vietnam and pulled wisdom teeth there, and your mother's a nurse- you don't get any excuses to go under general anesthetic.


Yip,two root canals and three extractions,no n2o,just locals.It sucks if they have to hit the longbuckle nerve to kill the pain,since that is the main nerve in your lower jaw and pretty much you just drool on yourself for a few hours afterwards,not to mention it hurts like hell even if you are already shot up in the minor nerves.
I dont know what the big deal is w/ getin ur wisdom teeth removed. I wanted to go out w/ my friends that same night ahha, Coincidencely me and my other friend got ours taken out on the same day and for some reason neither one of us had that much pain. They gave me some codeine IBU profein shit. My mom at the time tripped cuz the doctor said i was gonna be dizy, i really wasnt i love it when moms just know how u feel. Overall its not that bad, first day is a lil ruff cuz ur so out of it, but after that its all good