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I know this is a stupid question and most of you might be like well thats for kids but its not does anyone in here play RTCW RETURN TO CASTLE OF WOLFENSTIEN that damn game is the best..I've been playing it for like aorund 4 yrs on and off now i got my self hooked back on it and play it non stop till around 5 a.m...If anyone does give me a p.m sometime well go kick some ass...
Originally posted by importjdmcivic@Sep 6 2004, 10:46 PM
What do you play it on...PC, PS2, Xbox?....I play it on Xbox.
[post=386794]Quoted post[/post]​

Sorry forgot to list that..I play it on the internet against anyone all over the world i guess. It is sweet if you have the right computer set up to play it.. I played it on ps2 but u cant play other ppl on the one for ps2 so i tought it was stupid.. A very good game to get if your intrested in war type games and blood bashing other ppl..
Yea i love that game...sometime me and some buddies just get together and double team the game and beat it in a few hours...its so sweet...if you ever play it on Xbox, i can play you with Xboxconnect....
I've got it on PC. I love that game. I got to the end with like 2 of the bigass bots in one room... Keep getting my ass kicked. :(