x-mass bonus?

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It's different if you pay top-end wages and offer full benefits.

For those of us that don't get that luxury, a little check that says "Hey, thanks for the great year." is kinda nice.
it depends if what they did made the company prosper, then show a little gratitude, but also, if your maxed out by covering the all the bennies, and they know it, then they will understand. If the company is border lining the red all the time, then they know it, but if it's good, then they would appreciate a little something extra. It's really up to your conscience. I worked at a small mom and pops restoration and commuter's aircraft centr, I got a bonus, but only in the few bill's range, but they also took us and our families on a casino boat with full passage...and that was cool. Plus they tossed us other bennies when ever they could, like trips to the islands for free, except we had to cover our own hotels, but they also had a house down there, and if they deamed it slightly possible to work out for their goals, then they even covered that as well. I miss that place, but the pay sucked.
how much did you get b? i have never gotten a bonus. air force doesn't give shit, and my old financial company sucks.

I lost my bonus from billeting that I was supposed to get cause I "Couldn't control my temper" beat the shit out of a off duty NY cop who couldn't control his mouth or hands and my commander enforced the no violence in the work place policy so I quit only to have them ask me to come back cause old dude was in the reserves and his squadron was already planning on kicking him out seeing as every base he went to he got into the same problem
Don't you know that the lil raise we get on Jan. 1st is supoosed to be our bonus :lol:
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Got a small $300/year raise due to a 'leveling' of payrates just today.

Merit increase could add an entire 10% to my yearly pay in March

Bonus in January based on company performance could be up to 20% of my yearly pay, and the numbers are looking good.

I might actually get my car finished in a few months!
I got a $25 Gift Card to Staples... Whoopie... I would have rather gotten the $25 to DD... :(

Technically though, my review is 3 months overdue... So with my raise, my backpay check should be about.... $1500ish... Maybe $2k.
my bonus was getting my hours cut in half during the winter because its the offseason and getting christmas day off with no pay.
I get 3 paid says off 24th 25th and 31st. And 750 in a check. So uncle sam took a crap load of it so i will bring home 3,000 this week because my commission check hit. I exceeded my goals and made bank :)
do most expect a bonus? I have 12 people that work for me and took them out for a dinner but thats it? I pay top wages in the trade, offer full dental, heath, drug, eye glass, ect for all my guys. Do you think I should be giving a bonus? Do I get one from clients? NO
I get most of that and still get a bonus. Its usually 1 weeks pay but we get it in cash and my boss threw me a little extra
Whats a Christmas Bonus????? I am just hoping to get a review which I was up for about 6 months ago. If not new job for me.
Found a new job that I start thursday, and put my two weeks notice in today.I also found out that my soon-to-be old boss scheduled me on the 23rd and the 24th, two days for which I asked off over a month ago (I work as a waiter, a month is a long time...). So I'm just not showing up those days, and she can deal with it. I get to work 8 hours on Christmas, serving the unfortunate souls that don't have the necessary skills or sense to make anything for themselves on Christmas, so they come to my restaurant, and behave like jackasses, and tip crappy. I guess the bonus is that I won't be working there much longer.
I got $200 but then again I'm still on my Guarantee which means I don't get as much.

The real annual bonus is in April anyways