Yeah Yeah Yeahs

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so im sitting here watching the MTV Movie Awards and this group called The Yeah Yeah Yeahs are performing. OMG this group SUCKS!! the instruments are louder than the singer, the fucking guitarist cant play worth a shit and the singer sounds horrible. whoever signed these no music-talent fucks should be shot...IMHO. ive heard cats fuck with better rythim (sp?) than them talentless fucktards.

:puke: on The Yeah Yeah Yeahs
Then you are kinda a dumbass. J/K, I just think that that one song is freaking annoying, and they want to be like Evanessence (SP?) they are a really good band IMO.
Originally posted by 90 accord@Jun 11 2004, 01:25 AM
i kinda like them..

yuo are teh :ghey:
Originally posted by civicious@ Jun 11 2004, 12:37 AM
and 'faggot' is spelled with 2 g's....a 'fagot' was a russian military jet during the cold war.

and a faggot is a bundle of sticks; and a they call cigs a "fag" in wtf is your point?

fag·ot also fag·got ( P ) Pronunciation Key (fgt)

1. A bundle of twigs, sticks, or branches bound together.
2. A bundle of pieces of iron or steel to be welded or hammered into bars.
greyfades: i own j00
HondaGuy1106: i pwned jOO
HondaGuy1106: bizzle
HondaGuy1106: refresh it :-D
greyfades: im deleting my posts.
greyfades: bah.
greyfades: now you look dumb
greyfades: :)
greyfades: so british people say 'ill be right back mate, im going to go smoke a fag'
greyfades: ??
HondaGuy1106: exactly
greyfades: whats a racist word for british people
HondaGuy1106: BAHAHAHAHA
HondaGuy1106: you got pwned again :-D
greyfades: huh
HondaGuy1106: refresh it :-D
greyfades: oh nooooes
HondaGuy1106: ahahaha
greyfades: hold on
greyfades: whered i get owned again?
greyfades: driverunknown was talkin to you
greyfades: you homo
greyfades: lol
greyfades: bwah
HondaGuy1106: greyfades (10:47:29 PM): im deleting my posts.
greyfades (10:47:29 PM): bah.
greyfades: YOU = pwned
greyfades: bah