TN or Bust!!!!

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I'm a cat person. My cats always seem to follow me around like a demon from The Golden Compass.

Sometimes they even talk.

Mine's a teeny-bopper. All she talks about I'm sure is who's got the latest fur and how hot Johnny Depp is or some shit.

She's a teen these days.
I love TN, it's so beautiful there. Just got back tonight and I should be heading back up in about a month.
Not my first time up and most definitely not my last. I've done quite a bit of driving around, but still not very familiar with the area.
jet lag? wtf. you went over what, 1 or was it 2 timezones? lol
Hey man, unemployed means a 2 hour shift in time is devastating.

I'm surprised he made it.

I'm no good at busting balls lately. I'm in love and I want nothing to do with anything that isn't her.
Statistically speaking, I fall in love quicker than a salmon.
Why is everyone in love with aleaf.crx?


ok ok i love her to. I decided to read nearly all the pics of g/f thread....
That lil bout with Ilovemyhonda. *grrrowl*

I wanna come party. I can bring some beer. For ah... *coughunderagecough* people.

:leet:*Edit 1337
geebus christ.... you kids need to grow up and experience life and sex that isnt a 2D image on a computer screen.
Eureka! i need to make hondaswap 3d so we can no longer wack it to 2d bitches! YES~ watson! get my my microscope and scaple!
jet lag? wtf. you went over what, 1 or was it 2 timezones? lol
lol well it may seem mediocre to you but it was my first time flying and I have a horrible fear of heights, I'm that guy who gets to the top of the ladder and freaks out, so the plane fucked me pretty good. goddamn vertigo

geebus christ.... you kids need to grow up and experience life and sex that isnt a 2D image on a computer screen.

sunlight????????fuck that:huh: