no wonder why kids today can barely read...

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So you live at home, could care less about making your life better by moving up in the world and are happy making 8 bucks an hour with zero desire to better yourself? if so, then sorry you feel that way, and you're more then welcome to say fuck you to me since I truly do look down on you. however I don't think that's you.

Again, my beef is with the people who either dropped out of HS, or were able to get their GED, and could care less about doing anything with their life.

I know people like that, they're happy that come Friday they go out with their best friend and on sat, they can drink at home with their friends, and come mid week they get to go out again with their friend.... no school, no real job, basic hour wage worker with zero desire to do anything other then get to the next bar night, or maybe next cool movie.

that's the people I have beef with.

Nothing wrong with living at home if there's a valid reasons, school is a great reason.

Let me just make this clear.

Person A. = doesn't care where they live or what they do, as long as they get to make it week to week doing the little things they enjoy, in most people that I know like this, that thing is the bar/club.

Person B = makes a point to always learn something new, advance in life and make whatever they can out of what they have. Settling for less is NOT an option.

So nick, are you person A or person B?
Jeffie, you know which one i am. You know I am person "b". I wasn't saying "fuck you" to you. I was saying it to those bitching about people like you, me, and Brian. I was saying that there is always going to be things we dont' have, but want. And therefore we will work for it. I know B wants a new gt-r or M3, I want a gt-r and a big house, you want stuff too....but the difference between us and person "a" is that we would sacrifice our "fun time" to get it. we would work 60 hours a week to get it. We would go to school or get extra certs. We aren't happy living at home, driving a 1989 hatch, and having shitty girlfriends.

we want nice cars, nice homes, nice tvs, nice women, etc. not because we are snooty, but because we deserve it and wont settle for less. we work for what we want and therefore have earned the right to be picky, "snooty" douche bags.

If people don't do anything, they can't expect anything. either change your ways, or change your way of thinking. you can't have both.

I work hard, persue education, and work on outside ventures. I rarely get shitfaced and waste a weekend. I don't do drugs. I don't spend my money of a lot of frivolous shit. and it shows. I have a lot of cool shit. I killer condo in downtown seattle. a new motorcycle, etc.

Did you not miss the point about how living at home is fine if there's a reason? schooling/trying to better yourself or are in between places?

I paid rent at 18, made a point to go from the bottom of the ladder to the top at work I was busting ass trying to go from 2.38 + tips up to 40K+ by 21, when I was 21 I made an offer on a house, offer fell short so I looked at other houses then the market went like crazy so I ditched that idea and looked for an apartment, the day I found an apartment with a garage I jumped on it, I was the first one into my apartment building. That's how fast I jumped on it. took 2 years after my first offer on a house but I always looking the whole time. On top of that while I was at home

All the while at home, I went back to the books and got my GED, then worked on Spanish and Mandarin, cooking, music, and trading stock, and martial arts, where I currently hold a yudansha in traditional karate.

So from the age of 18 to 23 when I moved out, I can't really say I did nothing but work my time and waited for the weekends to come so I could party or hit the bars only to fall back on mom or dad for food and a place to stay.

I do have to say, rent was cheap, at the end I think it was up to $400.00 a month

B clearly also falls into the doesn't care about going anywhere and wants to stay at home, he went to college, dropped out, and for as long as I can remember him he was always looking for a house trying to get out from home. now he's on his 2nd house and makes more then most anyone here. Yet you feel you can lable him as "those people" meaning the guys that could care less where life takes them as long as they're happy at the end of the week?

3 weeks after i graduated high school i went in the military. 3 weeks. I make things for myself. i will never sit and wish i had more. i'm going to go out and get what i want, or i'll die trying.

and i'm like you. always progressing. i'm not sitting online all day or playing video games. well, now i do, because it's my job. but for most people, sitting at home jacking off is enough. not me.

right now my social life sucks. but it's going to pay off. I work 10 hours a day, study for 2, hit the gym for 1 hour, and still find time to kick it with a badass girlfriend.

sleep is optional, fun is optional, success is optional....
So what about ppl like me? I live at home. I work 38-42 hours a week. I go out and drink with friends on Friday an Saturday. I also strive to be good at what I do. I work side by side with machinist and welders that have a minimum of 10 years experience, and everyone looks at me as an equal. Im also one of three drafters at my company. I run Master CAM and a lil Solid Works, for anyone who knows what those are. Im also enrolling back in school. Also, FYI Im only 20 years old. Then when the work week is over, I go out and drink. You tryin to say Im a burden to all of you?

how do you figure? sounds like you're trying to learn as much as you can from those people. I'll ask you a simple question.

in 10 years do you want to be in the same spot, making the same money and living at home? Or Do you plan on doing something like getting a job using the skills you're training with and moving up the ladder, buying bigger better things and moving out at some point in your life?

Also you're saying you're going back to school, so I don't even see why you're asking.

Why does everyone think I'm trying to say if you live at home you suck? no, its if you live at home and could care less about what you do or where you go in life, that's when you suck.
But the original point: Blocking out potential dates based on their current situations is a bad move.

Think what you will of them, but it's just a plain "bad move". Furthermore I went on to say "This shows me you're a snob, and that holds more weight in judging you than if you live with your parents / don't make a lot of money / don't live up to materialist standards" And this is still accurate.

As far as Newb: The post above this one plainly states that you aren't focused enough on the acquisition of consumer goods. For shame...
IMO, living at home when you're 23 is fine. you're still deciding what to do in life at this point... fresh home from school, trying to find a career, etc etc...

But, living at home when you're 32, is not. You've failed to launch... to find what you want to do and do it.
Well, did you ever find out the circumstances that kept her at home, or brought her back?
I wish I had the option to get back in school. My credit has turned to shit and my finances are stretched. I switch between person A and Person B in Jeffie's example. Sometimes I get content with what I have and just relax, but then I get an itch and want to move forward. Lately though my personal success has been blocked and it's only time that can relieve it.
I wish I had the option to get back in school. My credit has turned to shit and my finances are stretched. I switch between person A and Person B in Jeffie's example. Sometimes I get content with what I have and just relax, but then I get an itch and want to move forward. Lately though my personal success has been blocked and it's only time that can relieve it.

Well, I had the option for my schooling to be paid for once, and like an idiot I passed it up. I learn from my mistakes though. I recently got another chance to have my schooling paid for, and I jumped at it. Now Im just sifting through the paper work to get started.
When I graduated high school the only way I was getting into the school I wanted was for my parents to take out a new loan on the house, basically giving them a mortgage that they'd just paid off around the same time I graduated high school.

I wasn't having that, so now its up to be to be able to get student loans. But I can't do that due to my credit score being low because of debt/income ratio and an outstanding payment on a loan. Problem is I can't refinance to pay it off because of it. Its just a big run around, and now I feel stuck.

Having a house isn't all its cracked up to be, nick and a few others make it sound grand.
When I graduated high school the only way I was getting into the school I wanted was for my parents to take out a new loan on the house, basically giving them a mortgage that they'd just paid off around the same time I graduated high school.

I wasn't having that, so now its up to be to be able to get student loans. But I can't do that due to my credit score being low because of debt/income ratio and an outstanding payment on a loan. Problem is I can't refinance to pay it off because of it. Its just a big run around, and now I feel stuck.

Having a house isn't all its cracked up to be, nick and a few others make it sound grand.

why dont you go to a junior community college?
the one im going to is only 20 dollars a credit.
having a house rocks.

sure, it's a lot of work, but it's YOURS. I'm SOOOO much happier living in the house than i was at my condo.
I have a house...not the nicest, but still a house. We worked hard and bought this house and continue to work hard so we can buy a bigger newer house this summer. It took us some time, but like B said it's yours. I don't have any other friends or family members my age that own a house, and that's ok. But I like saying I'm a home owner. :D That's me...everyone is different.
Having a house isn't all its cracked up to be, nick and a few others make it sound grand.

Cheer up !

Aimee Mann wrote a song for the homeowner:

It's not what you thought
when you
first began it
You got
What you want
Now you can hardly stand it though,
By now you know
It's not going to stop
It's not going to stop
It's not going to stop
'Til you wise up

You're sure
There's a cure
And you have finally found it
You think
One drink
Will shrink you 'til you're underground
And living down
But it's not going to stop
It's not going to stop
It's not going to stop
'Til you wise up

Prepare a list of what you need
Before you sign away the deed
'Cause it's not going to stop
It's not going to stop
It's not going to stop
'Til you wise up
No, it's not going to stop
'Til you wise up
No, it's not going to stop
So just...give up

Losing mine is bittersweet. The stress will be over soon - And yeah, I don't own a house but trust me. The bank owns the house, you don't. As a typical american, you prolly won't "own" your house until you're like 60.
The bank owns the house, you don't. As a typical american, you prolly won't "own" your house until you're like 60.

Not me, I will buy and pay off the new house we are looking to buy before I'm 35. Go Go Dave Ramsey!

*EDIT he did say "typical american". So he's probably right. Sorry I didn't read that slower before I went mouthing off.