Mommy cancels World of Warcraft account.....

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Fucking. Wow.

I've never played world of warcraft, and if I have kids they're NEVER playing ANY video games. EVER. If they go to their friends house and play them, that will be the LAST time they ever see that kid again.
That's really narrow-minded. Like anything, there's nothing wrong with videogames if tempered with moderation.
It's all about moderation in parenting. They can do sports, in moderation. School should be "moderation". Everything. They need to be well rounded.
Yea you've got a point. But potentially being a queer because you can't have your video game hard-on? Not happening. Call me a bigot, but I'd disown my son if I had one and he turned gay, that's just against my code and the last time a queer hit on me I almost sent that pansy to the hospital.
wow, there is something wrong with you. insecurity out the ass, not to mention you're horribly uneducated and false assumptions about some sort of link between homosexuality and video game playing. if there is any father that would disown their own son, they don't need to have kids, and luckily, by darwinism you, sir, will never get laid with that kind of attitude, and therefore will not have to worry about the production of a homosexual son. you should never be a father, or shot. there is no good reason to disown your son. especially for his sexuality and you should 1 take a good long time to figure out why your so insecure, 2 chop your balls off now, or 3 go into your attic and tie a noose. pick one. two if you'd like. all three even.
I don't have an insecurity problem just no tolerance for queers. Are you queer? What if you saw YOUR SON sucking some dude's DICK and heard him say he loves him? Dude if that was my kid I'd have him thoroughly examined after seeing that video.

I wouldn't really tell my kids not to play videogames that just shocked the hell out of me honestly now don't pop a blood vessel.

I just don't see how any father could live with their son being gay. By the way are you a liberal?
Yeah, but that shouldn't matter. I still think it's wrong that youd disown your own son. Even if he was a serial killer. He's still your spawn.
You clearly have a problem if you're going into fits of homophobic e-rage after watching some kid fake a tantrum.
Someone put this kid in the korn mosh pit.
Yea I got a big problem all day long I talk about how I hate queers and I look for them so I can beat them up because I don't like them. And you know I love looking at vids like this so that I can talk about how homophobic I am in a Hondaswap forum where everyone really wants to hear it.

Lol seriously it caught me by surprise and if I had any idea it was coming I would've just not watched it and done something else.

However, I do stand behind my opinions on fags and if you're waiting for me to say "homosexuals" or be politically correct about anything, you're dreamin :).