Got a new career!!!!

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These snozzberries taste like snozzberries...
So I have been a bum/hippie/slacker/scrub for the last 2 months. I took some time off work because the old company I worked for sucked balls, I wasn't making the money I deserved, and I wanted to go snowboarding more.

So I have been interviewing at a few places and applying online. My background is: 4 years USAF F-16 avionics technician, Associates degree from Tacoma Community College, 2 years working as a financial advisor at a retirment and financial planning company, and finally my Bachelors in Business Administration from Central Washington University.

I got the call yesterday for an offer as a Client Relations Manager for a company that sells portfolio rebalancing softwares. I would train financial advisors and brokers how to use the software and optimize their business. Then when they need upgrades or updates, i'll meet with the software engineers and have them program it. and then i'll show the improvements back to the advisors.

so everybody is going to ask, what's the benefits.

$70,000 salary
full medical/dental
$125/mo parking or commuting bonus
Looks good to me. If it makes you happy, do it(with the exception of your sister and friend's gf =P). I hope it works out for you. Congrats.
welcome to the 70k club :)

now, :buyanm:

plans are....
House closer to seattle...not too expensive. i'm single and don't need anything huge. just a garage for my toys.

2007 R6. I'm going to sell my spotless '06 250.

what kind of 250 do you have?
just a kawasaki ninja 250. the little beginner bike. i didn't know how much i would ride it, it was my first sport bike, and i was able to pay cash for it. made sense to me, now it's time to upgrade.
the flames are factory, and i took them off the day i bought the bike. it looks sooooooo much cleaner now.
i had so much fun on my 250

250 to 600 is a world of diffrence
the 600 will kick your ass if you don't respect it
i still remember the day i took my 600 home
be careful
I bet you had a serious blast on that thing.... For about 12 days.

I rode one around the block a few times. At first I was un easy. About the 7th time I was trying to pop wheelies. lol. Then I rode my buddies enduro. It was well an enduro. Big 650, but I got seriously bored becuase the suspension was so mushy.
i had so much fun on my 250

250 to 600 is a world of diffrence
the 600 will kick your ass if you don't respect it
i still remember the day i took my 600 home
be careful

god damn i looked fat in that picture. i have lost a lot of weight since then.
Don't spend it all in one place. $70k is good, after being just brought on board with a company but its a lot less than most imagine. I'm sure you have good room for growth and expansion though and $70k with a 401k and full insurance coverage is great for just entering a company.