Being judged for your past

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...becomes incredibly tiresome and shitty.

Thats all I've got right now.
you shouldn't tell them about the jail time for "interspecies erotica"

whats she busting your balls about?
and your past is what makes you who you are today, its a huge part of you
wouldn't you just someone by their past as well?
ie: you can't turn a whore into a housewife...
Bitches aint shit but hoes and tricks.

Seriously, if she's gonna use all your past mistakes to wield a guilt power over you, you want NOTHING to do with a woman like that. She'll always try to keep you down and she will NEVER forgive you for ANYTHING you do wrong.
Personally, I view past mistakes as good things. They're great for learning lessons about what NOT to do. And if you remember them, and they help you to make good decisions in the future, then they can be a positive thing. Making mistakes is how I learn, my mistakes define me just as much as my successes. But if a woman isn't willing to accept me for who I am, she can either stay mad or leave.
I don't know if you've noticed yet, but a woman will use any means necessary (guilt, humiliation, anger, jealousy...) to mold you into the person she wants you to be. But if you give in, you lose your individuality, which isn't worth ANY woman, especially since she'll get bored with you being a pushover and probly dump your ass.
Stay strong brotha, the last thing you need is an overly judgemental, manipulative woman.
Maybe I'm just being a bitch, but when I'm flat out and honest with my answers so she can understand who I am - I don't expect to have it turned around and thrown in my face.
i hope you learned a valuable lesson
just so we all know here, what sort of number did you tell her?
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well, if i was a chick and asked you how many girls yo'uve been with, and you asnwered 2131234123123123123123, i'd leave your dirty ass too.
I give her, "I've changed" speech about my womanizing ways and she gives me the, "Ian, you just had sex with a girl last weekend!" speech.

what relevance does her caring about homos have with you sticking your dick in anything with tits?

she baited you and you fell right into the trap
i won't care = you'll be dumb enough to tell me instead of hiding it
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once you get out of college and leave the whores behind.... you'll realize that the real world is a much different place.

college girls are easy
- easy E
once you get out of college and leave the whores behind.... you'll realize that the real world is a much different place.

college girls are easy
- easy E
<<<<<Single and enjoying that fact.
im constantly judged for my past. i hold no secrets about my sexual encounters. hell even steve picks on me from time to time :)

but its not a big deal. you are who you are. if you change, then :thumbsup: if you dont, then :thumbsup:

its all about who you are right now. not who you where, and not who you're going to be.
I couldn't believe she hadn't been with someone since November.

Naturally, I was an idiot when I said it was the other weekend <the speedo wearing weekend>.
is this your ex? or someone else?
when was the last time you were with this girl?

im constantly judged for my past. i hold no secrets about my sexual encounters. hell even steve picks on me from time to time :)
its ok to be gay dude
you ALWAYS come through with the pics

she looks chunky
j/k, def looks nice

so she's "into" you, but might not think of you as a serious possibility cause you always have a kayak on top of your car due to promiscuous sexual activity with numerous random sexual partners
ok.......... so, um, how does this new tossable chick have anything to do with your ex?