so James (2000Si) just left for Texas

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I get Jamie. You can have the disease ridden ho. :)
Ok... let me know if I deserve some kind of justification...

Saturday night after a few drinks at Bennigans... Abel, Dan, & I go to Fantasy Ranch, we get in get a beer at the door and find a table by a dance stage (7-10ft away) that they rotate to after main stage performances. We are just conversating and having a couple rounds of drinks. A few rounds later & about 9 strippers, "the girl" gets ready to dance, she sits her drink down at the table right next to her. Im minding my own business just looking up to see who the next entertainer is, Im texting someone & taking a sip of my drink. Then I hear her trying to get my attention. She wanted me to come up to the stage so that she can dance on me. I say, " no thanks," as Im shaking my head. I continue to do what Im doing, but she doesnt stop. She continues to try to get me up on stage, & I keep denying her. She yells over to me, "dont make me come over there," I just look at her and smile letting her know that theres no way Im going over to the stage. So her she comes, she struts over to the table and asks my friends,"who's girlfriend is she," they both tell her that Im just one of their friends. GREAT. She walks around the table to me, spins my chair around out from underneath the table, says" Oh my God, you are fucking hot & wow... you're all boobs arent you?" She then grabs my knees and spreads them apart so she can get inbetween them and she starts touching my breastsss and then she starts kissing me neck & chest. By now Im a little weirded out... like this isnt right. I keep my arms on the arms of the chair and look over at my friends like, "WTF, is this legal" & their eyes look like they are about to pop out of their skulls along with the reserved table full of guys sitting beside us. Then she grabs my tank top and just pops my bewbies out, grabs one and starts licking & sucking on the other. She gets down to my nip & goes crazy. I then grab my tank top & pop my bewbs back in then she starts kissing on my neck again & talking dirty to me telling me all the things that she would do to me & she wishes that she could be with me & that she would dump her girlfriend for me as her fingers are rubbing between my legs in my no-no zone! I start to move my legs back together so she would remove her hand. So she sits in my lap for a lil bit asks me if I would give her my number, I act like I didnt hear her as I finished off my drink. My friends started to give her money & she wouldnt take it!
WTF a stripper that turns down money?! what the hell is that about?
After this the guys both go DAAAAMMMMNN. So I sit there for a minute still stunned in confusion & get up to go to the bar to get a beer & a jager bomb... she comes over & makes the bartender put it on her tab. She then says, "before you leave tonight... I want to take you back there" referring to the lapdance booths. She smiles & kisses me on the cheek & I take my shot & go back to the table. Now tell me... why the fuck would I go into a darker room with her?! HELL TO THE NO. I couldnt believe that she did what she did in the open public area! Thank God that I got away without getting taken into a darker corner with her! No telling what she wouldve tried to do! They actually danced clothed no titties or nude. Only tits if you went into the VIP lounge. I felt more exposed than some of the girls that flippin' work there.

/molestation rant

justification deserved?
lol yea I saw that coming...
If it had been Misti there would be no problem here & I wouldve have taken her to the dark corner! :D
Damn... now I wish I had stayed until Sunday morning. :(

I dunno. If you went up to her while she was working and started groping her your ass would have been thrown out pretty damn quickly. Do what you gotta do, I'd go talk to the managers of the club.
is there more? :shocked: I want all gory details! :D
I had a stripper stick her tit in my mouth. I considered sucking a tad but just got to the bar so I didn't want to get kicked out... but I think I should have. Jamie... I will be your private dancer. I'm one of the 'boys' too... sort of. Plus... I have a toy 'down there' you can play with. :)

And for the record: Some strippers are cool, others are downright nasty... if she was my favorite girl from the tittie bar, I'd have gone out with her... but she was probably some nasty ho.
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I had a stripper stick her tit in my mouth. I considered sucking a tad but just got to the bar so I didn't want to get kicked out... but I think I should have. Jamie... I will be your private dancer. I'm one of the 'boys' too... sort of. Plus... I have a toy 'down there' you can play with. :)

And for the record: Some strippers are cool, others are downright nasty... if she was my favorite girl from the tittie bar, I'd have gone out with her... but she was probably some nasty ho.

Im definitely liking this idea! ^_^
the whole situation could have been avoided if you simply hit the bitch when she came over and started fucking with you
the whole situation could have been avoided if you simply hit the bitch when she came over and started fucking with you

I wasnt exactly wanting to go to jail...

It was funny there was a drunk ass guy there he walked up to this dancer that was about to go into the VIP room by our table and he says..."Hey bitch, you wanna make some doe?" bahaha... I laughed so flippin hard!
We know she is a tease.

If you go to a strip club, you are to expect to be molested. You dont want half naked chicks all over you? Don't go to a damn strip club. Its pretty simple.
so she pulled out your sweater meat in public and you let her ?

Sounds like ... I dunno. Well, I DO know jus' don't wanna say.
Well, usually if it's not a 'private' dance, they can touch you but I think she went too far. She's a patron, not a performer. It's funny though because the strippers normally like women so they don't feel 'dirty' when putting on a 'show' for the guys by getting all up on the women. If it IS a private or 'lap' dance... then it's pretty much a free for all, but the general rule is guys can't touch what they don't let them. What's funny is most women feel intimidated by them. 'I don't want to go to jail'

You would have just been kicked out of the club, but if they'd called the cops, you'd have told them she was sexually harassing you and felt like your personal space was invaded, as she'd ASKED and you said no. She coerced you. Either way, I'm down to take you out to the kit kat.

I'm not all talk. I'm tryin' guys, really. :P
I wasnt exactly wanting to go to jail...

You would have just been kicked out of the club, but if they'd called the cops, you'd have told them she was sexually harassing you and felt like your personal space was invaded, as she'd ASKED and you said no. She coerced you.

exactly... you said "no" and she continued... at that point your personal space is being violated.. if you were to push her off of you stand up and yell something like "I SAID GET THE FUCK OFF OF ME!" you wouldnt have had anything happen to you... at most, like misti said you might be asked to leave the club... more than likely the girl would have gotten in more trouble than you... just an FYI for next time
ive been to plenty of strip clubs and on occasion have had female friends get harassed by strippers pretty bad... a firm "get the fuck off of me! / away from me!" will usually put the stripper back in their place