Presidential Canidate Quiz

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well it matched me up with
Barrack Obama, hillary Clinton and mike Gravel all at 45%
The rupublicans have a good guy in thompson...i would vote republican again if he makes the ticket (assuming Richardson doesnt).

I couldnt, in good conscience, vote for hilary or obama
Iraq: What is your opinion on the war in Iraq?
Nuke the fucking place. Every living thing there, just nuke it all, cap the wells, and forget it ever existed. Tell the other countries that throw a fit that there is more where that came from.

Immigration: What is your position on immigration in the United States?
Mini guns should be mounted every 100 yards across the border. "Immigrants" should be labled "Intruders" and delt with accordingly.

Stem-Cell Research: Hell yeah. If I ever get my arm chopped off, and I can't have a new one grown because someone used this crap as a political football, I'm going to be hella-pissed.

Should federal funding of embryonic stem cell research be expanded? Yup.

Health Care: Do you favor or oppose the concept of universal health care in America? In Favor. Because even after all of the tax hikes to cover the bill, It still won't pull the $600/month that my current health care does.

Phyregod for prez!
the $100 billion dollar question about healthcare has been answered. YAY.

just think how much money we spend in iraq every month...and then think of what would happen if that just went to healthcare.....creepy thought.
Hmmm, I don't think I'll be voting. I guess I'll have to wait and watch the debates.
the $100 billion dollar question about healthcare has been answered. YAY.

just think how much money we spend in iraq every month...and then think of what would happen if that just went to healthcare.....creepy thought.

socialism FTL.
one months spending on the iraq war will pay for universal health care for every american for 1 year

from a completely liberal moonbat socialist source
Can't believe I haven't posted this yet:


universal healthcare isnt a socialist ideal. sure it will make taxes go up if all things remain constant, but if the war is stopped, all things do not remain constant, and then it becomes an easy reality.

universal healthcare isnt a socialist ideal. sure it will make taxes go up if all things remain constant, but if the war is stopped, all things do not remain constant, and then it becomes an easy reality.
but..... the war is not going to stop anytime soon, just the reality of the situation. also I'm sure america has a large intrest in keep a lare number of US forces in the general vacinity. what ever happened to america being a can do country with a lets get it done attitude. now everybody wants the government to do it for them. less government = good government. besides if something can cost 10 times what was origanly planed for and fuck it up beyond fixabilty,'s the government (i know i work for them)
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Whoah, politics in the lounge? wtf?

Hey Cel, what's your SN on conflictingviews?
but..... the war is not going to stop anytime soon, just the reality of the situation. also I'm sure america has a large intrest in keep a lare number of US forces in the general vacinity. what ever happened to america being a can do country with a lets get it done attitude. now everybody wants the government to do it for them. less government = good government. besides if something can cost 10 times what was origanly planed for and fuck it up beyond fixabilty,'s the government (i know i work for them)

okay, waha?

I dont like paying $150 a month for health insurance im never going to use. If we get out of Iraq, i get $150 a month and dont have to sit there paying for insurance Ill never use. I havent even been to the doctor since i was 8 years old (besides my medical exams for the military academies).

I have no problem with US troops trying to catch Osama, NONE AT ALL. But us being in the region for anything else, is silly. We are the ones destabilizing the region with our beliefs. Trying to force a christian belief system (yes, equal rights for women is not part of islam) is a fight we can not win in the middle east. Until we have some one in power that realizes that fact, we will be there forever.

One of the reasons I like Bill Richardson is the fact that he realizes WE are the reason for the instability in the middle least there is one fucking candidate that will listen to something the UN has to say. The whole "We're americans and we dont have to listen to the UN" is kind of tired.

you will be paying for it though... you will pay through the ass for it
and just like welfare now people who work are going to have to cover the slack for the lazy fucks who wont
the fuckers who arent paying for it and dont need to work for it will use the hell out of it for every little fucking thing
and the quality of health care will go down the toilet

there will also be a significant rise in prescription drug abuse
and the greatest part is that with all of the free prescriptions being thrown around and misused we will start seeing a shit ton more resistant strains of viruses and bacteria that the current drugs dont work on, and because there wont be any fucking money in development drug companies will not be anywhere near as interested in developing new drugs to treat those new super-bugs

government sponsored health care will have a pivotal role in the fall of the US
Private Healthcare FTW, but healthcare agencies should be regulated on how much they can gouge people for medical Expenses.

BTW the quiz said I should vote for Ron Paul, DUH!
you will be paying for it though... you will pay through the ass for it
and just like welfare now people who work are going to have to cover the slack for the lazy fucks who wont
the fuckers who arent paying for it and dont need to work for it will use the hell out of it for every little fucking thing
and the quality of health care will go down the toilet

there will also be a significant rise in prescription drug abuse
and the greatest part is that with all of the free prescriptions being thrown around and misused we will start seeing a shit ton more resistant strains of viruses and bacteria that the current drugs dont work on, and because there wont be any fucking money in development drug companies will not be anywhere near as interested in developing new drugs to treat those new super-bugs

government sponsored health care will have a pivotal role in the fall of the US
If what you say is true, E, why arent the canadians portrayed as a sickly country plagued by disease?
give it time

it also is a different culture... maybe they are better about keeping track of what the fuck they prescribe up there... i dont know

my ex works in pharmaceuticals developing new drugs to handle resistant bacterial strains (my cousin worked in the same company on viruses)... most of these resistant strains were caused by us...
we are creating superbugs by misuse of antibiotics, and use of antibacterial / antimicrobial cleaners
"kills 99.9% of germs on contact"... great awesome... what they dont tell you is that the .1% that it leaves there (out of the billions present) are the strongest most resistant ones... and they will now continue to reproduce... what happens when you breed the biggest strongest dogs together??? you get even bigger stronger dogs... breed them... even bigger stronger still... same shit works for germs... you kill off all of the ones that are effected by a cleaner/drug/etc... leaving only the ones that are immune, and within a few generations all of them will be immune (generations in germ time frames are VERY short usually less than a few days at most)
we are causing germs to evolve at a rate faster than you could imagine... into things they would not or could not become on their own

our quest for a sterile environment to raise our families in is actually killing us... kinda ironic isnt it

theres a lot more to this... but you should get the idea... if you want more let me know
ive always gotten the idea E. thats why i didnt make a comment about "antibiotics make you better" that most normal people would make.

thats also one of the reasons i dont want to go to the doctor if im sick. Id rather just let my body get over it on its own. If I hit the "OMG IM GONNA DIE" point, then yeah, ill go to the doctor, but id rather not let the disease [read illness] get the best of me. I think that might be part of the reason im so healthy. When I am sick, i dont go to the doctor on a whim and just take antibiotics.
same here...

but the people who are the other way will eventually cause bugs that will whoop our asses...

wheres the outrage over that like the outrage over second hand smoke???? those fuckers are going to kill us all long before smokers will
preach it man.

my parents brought me up that way, ive always lived that way, and damnit if im happier smoking a cigarette, im damn well gonna smoke it. ive already been restricted to smoking outside (away from the AC). if youre gonna give me shit for smoking just go back inside you fuckin hippy.