Renamed: Argue with ReDCiViCSi thread

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You're too young to understand, its ok, you'll learn. :)

not to sure what to say to that...
glad everybody treats me like im 12 just because i'm a month shy of 18...
ok... i must have missed all the arguing, but here we go:

Rent/Mortgage: 0
Cars: 0
Internet: 0
Cell bill: 60/mo
Utilities: 0
Food: 100

That's what I pay for... I'd list everything else, but I don't pay for anything... and I don't make much either... I guess I'm lucky... because this is what it costs my boyfriend:

Mortgage: 800/mo
Internet: 50/mo
Computer: 20/mo
Cars: 500/mo
Insurance: 1k every 6 mos
etc etc

Yeah, he makes way more than I do.
i think it might have been E..cuz red had his ride posted as FUCK E
ok i say we all post our PMs w/mr. argumentative martyr here, because i'm to the point where i think radio silence is necessary or i'm going to start :whip: on him too.

ReDCiViCSi said:
dacheat said:
ReDCiViCSi said:
dacheat said:
ReDCiViCSi said:
dacheat said:
ReDCiViCSi said:
Ya feel free to let E Solsi know that he's stupid...
This is why most people don't like forums, he's a critic on every possible thing he can reply too.

:( everybody on this forum can say anything, and when i try an be involved or add my .02 nicely and when i dont say anything to people they seem to just get all pissed off an be hella rude to me.

i mean honestly...i've said sorry before an i ment that.

maybe you could quote that^^^^up there an post it for me?? =]
hmm, honestly i feel like it would come across better for you if you did - because i know there are several HS members who realize that's all you're trying to do and somehow you've just got the smell of bait on you and there are a few sharks that won't let go.

that's not to say i think esolsi is one of them, in fact although you two haven't been getting off to a good start, he's one of the most educated/intelligent on this site and i really admire him...yeah he can be blunt/harsh, but that's what thick skin is for..

iz gonna be okay, at the end of the day you're still living your life and these are just interwebtards that should have no bearing on you or your self esteem.

i know just because he got off to a bad start with me he disables my account an always gives me shit...
i can't post anything or i would....
actually i don't see where he was giving much crap til it got to a subject he's pretty passionate about (gun control/rights). but yeah anyway, i like to stay out of it :(

i probably know more about gun control than anybody on this site.
i'm a licensed sniper, i have the card and everything issued by the united states marine corp. i've gone all over the country to military bases and shot in competitions and all kinds of stuff. My dad's #1 hobby is hunting. they go all over the north west, into canada an they even went to africa, we own45-50 rifles alone, not counting bow's, pistols and semi-auto/auto's. so he can get bent for all i care...i know how to use guns, shit i can build guns.

i'm pretty sure i'm tired of the him riding 'mydaddy' all over this site. :poop:

my advice: stand on your own two feet son. show us your car, show us your girl, laugh at us/our jokes, let us laugh at you/yours. grow some relationships/friendships here if you can, contribute technically, stay openminded even to others' closedmindedness, and don't whine. everyone hates a damn whiner.

even intertards.
i probably know more about gun control than anybody on this site.
i'm a licensed sniper, i have the card and everything issued by the united states marine corp. i've gone all over the country to military bases and shot in competitions and all kinds of stuff. My dad's #1 hobby is hunting. they go all over the north west, into canada an they even went to africa, we own45-50 rifles alone, not counting bow's, pistols and semi-auto/auto's. so he can get bent for all i care...i know how to use guns, shit i can build guns

I've now heard it all. LOL Marine Corps yet still in High School, and A LICENSED SNIPER!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! Do they take your picture with the eyepiece attached to your head somehow?
perhaps a licenced and competing sharp shooter.

I know lots of kids into sharp shooting, most are AWESOME. I've seen 8 year girls open sight a .22 into a target 200 yards away. It's nuts, something I wanna get into .
that's not to say i think esolsi is one of them, in fact although you two haven't been getting off to a good start, he's one of the most educated/intelligent on this site and i really admire him...
holy suck up
why don't you just marry him already :ph34r:

Do you like boobs a lot?
(Yes, I like boobs a lot.)
Boobs a lot, boobs a lot.
(You gotta like boobs a lot.)
Really like boobs a lot.
(You gotta like boobs a lot.)
Boobs a lot, boobs a lot.
(You gotta like boobs a lot.)

-Dr. Demento

edit: originally by The Fugs
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