99 civic what swap should i do

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I have a 99 civic ex. I am looking into getting an engine swap and was wondering if anyone could help. Im not shure what engine to go with. I plan on getting a turbo i know that much and i want a decent upgrade any advice?
How sure are you about boosting? If it were me, and I was iffy, I would probably go GSR, or ITR.
i kno i am goint to turbo it maybe not right off but it will get there. i was looking into b16, b18, or h22 dont kno witch one is ideal

There really is no "ideal" swap, they all have their pro's and con's. B series are easiest, all the engines can be boosted, it's just a matter of how much time you want to put into the build and tune.
IMO I would start with a B18, whether it's a B18B LS, B18C GSR, or B18C ITR. You'll be happier with the power until you get it boosted, and make more power once you get it boosted.
out of all of them which one is the best b18? if im gunna go i want the one that i can get the most out of
I'm going ls turbo nd trying to get 350\400whp or u can go lsv turbo. Got a buddy that jus did that nd is putting down 647whp.
There isn't a right, or wrong answer to that question. Do you want to spend time and money building an engine for boost? Or do you want to start with something that's more fun to drive until you boost it? First case, either a LS, or lsvtec, second ...ITR.
ITR is a B18C(jdm) B18C5(usdm). Read through the tech article section for more details, but it's fairly straight forward.
What kind of bike do you ride? I used to ride, had a Homeless Pornstar, it was a prototype, never should have sold that thing.

The best advice I can give it is plan, plan, plan. Make sure you really want to do what you think you want to do, and get a plan together for it. Read the article posted here, there's a wealth of information there.
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Sweet, I was looking at their 24", nice bikes.