Added a TV to the bedroom. woot

  • Thread starter Thread starter jeffie7
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Very nice install, but I hope you can get any sleep now. :D Whenever I have a TV in the bedroom I slip into a bad sleep schedule. I find that if you associate the bedroom with anything other than sleep/sex, it's hard to use it as such.
I actually find it easier to fall asleep with the TV on. Sort of like reading. I just usually forget to set the sleep timer before I zonk out.
Nice socks. :thumbsup: Those blue boxes are the same ones we use for pre-wiring. Looks good. Now get some pictures and some freaking color into that bedroom.
you guys should have seen the pics of his old room he posted up here
there was NOTHING in it... there was a mattress on the floor and a sheet over the window... that was pretty much it
enemy combatants at Guantanamo Bay would have looked at that room and said it sucked
hell the fuckin uni-bomber thought he needed to get some more technology and color up in there
My old place was an apartment so I never wanted to put much up I did have a good bit of pictures in the livingroom/dinning room.

As far as this house goes, new wood floors, new carpets, new sinks, toilets, all new kitchen stuff, knocked out a wall, had to use drywall mud on EVERY single wall, fixed a few ceiling spots where nails were popping out, redid the bathtubs and new calking, all new hardware for every door/window new water heater, new water lines, new driveway... I think Im in the 35K-40K range on upgrades in less then 6 months of living here.

walls still need a few touch ups before stuff goes up, as far as the color goes we left everything basic colors so when time comes to sell, we wont have any issues. its a white with a slight touch of gray but mostly white.

Next house will hopefully be a 10-20-30 year home, at that point I wont hold back on anything I want to do.
Meh. Put some pictures up that you've taken with some burgundy frames or curtains, or another darker color. Just get some goddamn color in there. Its not like you can't take curtains and pictures with you. At most it's a single nail that you'll have to patch up when you sell. Seriously, how do your retinas not burn from the bland whiteness?
Meh. Put some pictures up that you've taken with some burgundy frames or curtains, or another darker color. Just get some goddamn color in there. Its not like you can't take curtains and pictures with you. At most it's a single nail that you'll have to patch up when you sell. Seriously, how do your retinas not burn from the bland whiteness?

Problem with putting pictures up is they need to come down when we get around to painting. that might happen tomorrow or next week.

Same goes for the wood floor I'm 98% done but can't put down baseboards since there's still a few spots I want to redo, its just one of those I'll get around to it when I get around to it. Besides the windows are dark and the bed is black, I don't mind.

As long as Linh doesn't care, I don't care, I'm not worried about what others think outside of when it comes time to sell.