Another car stolen ...

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:angry: Here's another car to add to the stolen cars list! My car was stolen last night! Im so frustrated. What is it about taking someone elses car and selling their parts that's so interesting? I just hope that I get my car back in one piece. There was nothing to take from my car, it was bone stock and they still had to take it! If you guys can help me out here and keep an eye out for a red 96 Hatchback with the Lic. plate# 4PkM055. I live in Daly City, Ca, basically San Francisco. Thanks!
damn thats shitty, it seems like evryday someones cars is gettin stolen now! I hate theives! Good luck in gettin your car back mang
Originally posted by aLLmOtOr@Dec 4 2003, 06:00 PM
:angry: Here's another car to add to the stolen cars list! My car was stolen last night! Im so frustrated. What is it about taking someone elses car and selling their parts that's so interesting? I just hope that I get my car back in one piece. There was nothing to take from my car, it was bone stock and they still had to take it! If you guys can help me out here and keep an eye out for a red 96 Hatchback with the Lic. plate# 4PkM055. I live in Daly City, Ca, basically San Francisco. Thanks!

Ill be on the look out.

I plan on sleeping in my car for a few nights, too catch th damn crooks around my neigborhood.. and personaly whoop their asses with a Pool Stick
Originally posted by DarkHand@Dec 4 2003, 06:28 PM
We need to start electrifying our cars. :)

I had that idea. put a little piece of metal under the door handle and when you hit the alarm button, it'll take some juice from the battery and electrify it. someone touches it while the alarm is on...ZAAPPP... :o

Sorry man. I hope you get it back.
Originally posted by revolution8k@Dec 4 2003, 05:35 PM
I had that idea. put a little piece of metal under the door handle and when you hit the alarm button, it'll take some juice from the battery and electrify it.

Or activate the coil and electrify it from there. :ph34r:
Originally posted by revolution8k+Dec 4 2003, 06:35 PM-->
@Dec 4 2003, 06:28 PM
We need to start electrifying our cars. :)

I had that idea. put a little piece of metal under the door handle and when you hit the alarm button, it'll take some juice from the battery and electrify it. someone touches it while the alarm is on...ZAAPPP... :o

Sorry man. I hope you get it back.

You would need to use an ignician coil out of an older GMC.. some friends of mine made one inside of what looks like a book, the hand it to people, and shock the shit out of them. But, then only use 1 D battery and it HURTS, so imagine with 12 Volts.... OUCH!!

Ill snap pics when i have the chance, and ill post up a how-to, for making it.

To hook it up to an alarm, you could probably just run it from a relay off of an aux. from your alarm brain.
jeez. that sucks! what is going on with all the theft lately? hope they nab the fuckers who took it...and who toook all the other people's cars too!
someday im gonna invent an affordable way to do a laser encoder thing for any car. like on almost every new car how they have the chip in the key. but a universal application.

The thing that worries me is that any A-hole with a PC can sit on boards like these and basiclly see exactly what people have, names, even address'. Its FUCKED to think of shit like that, but I know how you feel bro. That's Jacked! I had my Rex broken into about 4 months ago. It didn't even have the motor in!
I'd be worth all they took just to catch em in the act! Beat DOWN.

I've been considering posting pics of my rebuild, but I'm afraid that I'm just letting some POS know what I have under thet hood/in the car/ the wkhole works...

Its pretty fucked!

sorry for yelling...
Thanks for all the positive replys. It makes me feel a little better. Does anyone have a suggestions for a pretty decent alarm.... Im trying to think ahead ...
really easy one. not an alarm but a $2.95 fix to getting your car stolen.

get a little toggle switch thing like this

and wire put it under your dash or in your ashtray or someplace sneaky and wire it to an ignition wire. flip the switch when you get out of your car..... and it wont start.
Clifford Concept 550 or alpine sec 150R

im still trying to decide betweent the two myself.
they both have "proximity" sensor, that will sound the alarm if a "would be thieve" stands next to the car for more than 5 - 10 seconds, enough time to jimmy or pick the locks, or if your windows are open, and a "would be thieve" sticks a body part in the car.
Go check out

You can look up parts for your car, and in the Accessories department, they have special things that do the same application, called killswitches. YOu can install them pretty much anywhere on your car, and you can carry them around on a keychain or something. Like i said, they do the same exact application. :D
Make the paint look like shit, don't show off your system, and hope all your little techniques you did to try to stop someone from starting your car doesn't get defeated by the almighty tow truck.