Any camera people here??

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I have an Olypus Stylus 600. It's not really fancy but it takes great pics and fits in the pocket of most of my pants. The year before last at christmas, i was at my mom's doing laundry waiting for the rest of the family to arrive, when my mom grabs up my jeans with my ccamera in them and tosses them into the wash. It went through an ENTIRE CYCLE, I found when changing the clothes over. I let it sit for about 5 days and it turned back on and works great.. I vote Olympus!!
I ended up getting the one I wanted afterall. I bought the package I said I bought online, went to pick it up in the store and they were out of stock :lol: So much for that.....

So I did some shopping while I was there. Played with each camera a lil and just seen which felt right for me. The other package I looked at was a Nikon d60 w/1 lens. It was the same price as the Olympus E-510 w/1 lens. I read online about the lenses and people seem to rate the kit lenses with the Olympus a LOT better then any other camera. Seeing that lenses cost 200-XXXX, I figured it was good to go with a good body and a better lens. Just my .02.

I ended up with the Olympus E-510 w/1 lens. Picked up a 4gb CF card and a starter kit for free (bag and extra batt). Just waiting for the batt to charge now, going to wash the car and play a lil at the lake tonight :) Thanks for the help and opinions guys!! :)
enjoy the Olympus.. i do mine.. no need to be like everyone and get Canons or Nikons.. my dad liked mine so much he went and bought one the next day.. does your screen flip out?? to take low shots
e-330 FTW!
I like my d40x. I need a longer lense though. I'll probably pick tha tup after my wallet recovers from the dealership repairs, the motorcycle school, and getting the motorcycle. SO, probably by fall.
Took some first pics with the camera today. Def a lot to learn still but I followed some online tutorials on getting nice shots and in no time I was getting some decent pics! Ill post some up after lunch. Im going to do some more motion shots at lunch since I work right on a highway.
Here's a few I did at lunch. The pic of the can came out awesome. The motion shots are meh at best IMO. I need to work on my technique for them still, but these were the 2 that came out best.



here are some of my rolling shots.. of course its much easier when your in a car driving next to the person

