Apartment shopping

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So i went on Apartments.com to find a place for me and my girl...i found a REALLY nice place yesterday...2 bed room 1 bath 950/m includes heat, gas, water, trash pickup see here(apartment)...so i make an appointment for sat in the morning....well i showed my friend nikki this place cause she lives in the same town and it turns out she was looking at teh exact place for an apartment....she went yesterday and said it was absolutely beautiful...here is the gay part....They informed her that those advertised prices on the internet were wrong...the 750 she was looking at on the internet was now 875!!! and the 950 i was looking at is now 1065..when it was just 950 yestetday lol..gay gay gay..back to square 1
Man, I wish prices around here were that good. I'm paying $1260 a month for 800 sq ft. 1bdr/1bath. :cry:
damn, if she is any representation of the type of people you have there, theres a bunch of stubborn, ignorant, annoying country-ass people there.

i can vouch for that...

but god damn... 1000+ for an apartment for a month...
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but its ohio..

you coudln't pay me 600 a month to live there. lol

Have you ever even been outside of connecticut? lol

You hate everywhere, but have you ever gone out of New England?

Ohio, around Clevland, Columbus and Cincinnati are fucking gorgeous. Those cities are awesome. I love going to Detroit, Indy and Chicago also. Sure you get out on the highway in the middle of Indiana/Ohio and there's nothing but corn and soy bean fields.
driving thru Ohio is the worse. its fucking boring. but anyways, good luck finding a crib, corvetteguy.
been to ohio a few times
went to clevland / mentour it was pretty cool
i was only there for a weekend visiting a friend
only bad shit i really have to say about the place was the roads kinda suck, theres no hills, no twisties, kinda boring to drive... the trains can be rediculous (i was stuck at a train crossing for about 45 min)... and "lake effect" weather can eat my ass, shit is fucking crazy, one second its nice out, then all the sudden the sky turns black and theres 60mph wind gusts and one of the most violent hail / thunderstorms ive seen, then its nice again for a few hours, but there is a fucking blizzard on its way through thats gunna drop a foot and a half of snow over night... i didnt stick around for the blizzard... it was headed east at 55mph i was headed east at 90 (i actually got to watch the thunderstorm in the distance the whole way back and i cought back up with it when i got to CT :) )
went back there 2 other times to go to amusement parks
i must say the amusement parks in ohio are some of the best ive ever been to... bomb ass rollercoasters :thumbsup:

chicago was pretty kick ass though and i cant wait to go back there definaly need more than 4 days next time