B16 starting issues

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New Member
Ok so I've not worked on cars much but I decided I need to learn because I'm not planning on being rich enough to throw money into garages to do all my work for me.

Bought a 91 crx si, swapped (am still currently swapping) the engine with a B16a, think I have it almost done, but there are a couple problems. 1) It can't sustain an idle on its own and 2) the front wheels are almost completely stiff. I thought it might be a problem with the axles, I got the 91 integra axles from Autozone but I think they might've given me the wrong passenger side axle. Which would be weird because I didn't really have to force anything to fit. I'm really hoping that this is just a small user error somewhere and not an actual problem. Nonetheless, I don't know wtf about where I'm at with this and could use copious amounts of experienced knowledge from anyone and everyone. Please.

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