Car Wont Start?!!

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Ok, just got done draining the gas tank... I went and bought a little bit of gas and put it in a clear jar. then I took another identical jar and put some gas from my tank in there...the gas from my tank was cloudy and didnt smell as strong as the gas I had just bought. Im waiting on my ride to go get some gas in a gas can so I can see if that did anything. Cross your fingers for me guys!
aight, just got my hands on a compression tester...had to just go out n buy one. anyways, i should have the results up tomorrow evening! wish me luck guys!
UPDATE. I did a compression test this evening and here are my results:
Cyl #1 - 220
Cyl #2 - 175
Cyl #3 - 180
Cyl #4 - 225

It seems like I have a problem. Maybe when they put shit in my tank it got into the cylinders and scarred shit up?
Mayby u dont got gas? bro? or battery is dead if u say ur car wont start even if ur engine was blown u will hear something knocking so i dont believe its blown I believe check ur timing
I checked the timing and it couldn't be more perfect. It has fuel pressure up to the fuel rail. It has spark on all four cylinders. Thanks for the tip tho. Could it be the uneven compression?