COD: Black ops

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Im late as hell to this thread, but thats cause I didnt start playing til a couple weeks ago.

Now then; to prestige or not to prestige? That is my question. It only took me a few days to get to level 50, but now that im there, I like my guns and classes. Im not sure I wanna lose them. Is there really any real benefit to prestiging other than golden guns, emblems, and extra class slots?
Im late as hell to this thread, but thats cause I didnt start playing til a couple weeks ago.

Now then; to prestige or not to prestige? That is my question. It only took me a few days to get to level 50, but now that im there, I like my guns and classes. Im not sure I wanna lose them. Is there really any real benefit to prestiging other than golden guns, emblems, and extra class slots?

I feel like I'm less likely to keep playing if I don't prestige. If you stick around at 50 then any XP you earn just goes towards nothing, and that bugs. Also, in my opinion having to go through the levels and use guns that maybe aren't your favorites isn't necessarily a bad thing. Every prestige I experiment with different guns and setups. I feel like it makes me a better player in the long run.

That's just me though...
I did that the first time though. Haha I like the Enfield but liked the Famas more, then I liked the AK74u and Stoner more so I used them. But then I liked the commando more so I use it and the AK74u now. Experimentation over. Haha but I hear you on the xp. That is kinda shitty. But I don't think it outways my having all the guns.
I switch between the grip and reflex sight on the AK74u. Always with rapid fire. Reflex and supressor/extended mag on commando. Stoner extended mag and reflex. I'm always in ghost pro and warlord pro. Second chance pro with sub machine guns, marathon pro with larger weapons.
I did that the first time though. Haha I like the Enfield but liked the Famas more, then I liked the AK74u and Stoner more so I used them. But then I liked the commando more so I use it and the AK74u now. Experimentation over. Haha but I hear you on the xp. That is kinda shitty. But I don't think it outways my having all the guns.

Yeah, but still, those are the typical weapons that 90% of players whore out, lol. I was big on the 74u at first also (it really probably is the best weapon in the game, that or the Famas/Aug, or "Augmas" as I like to call it, lol). But then I started playing around with some of the other SMGs too and found out that I was missing out on some cool guns. The MPL, PM63, and Spectre are awesome too, but most people just go for the 74u...

I switch between the grip and reflex sight on the AK74u. Always with rapid fire. Reflex and supressor/extended mag on commando. Stoner extended mag and reflex. I'm always in ghost pro and warlord pro. Second chance pro with sub machine guns, marathon pro with larger weapons.

Your perk choices are weird to me, lol. Mine would be opposite, marathon on the SMGs (plus lightweight of course) for maximum mobility and then something like ghost or hardline on the bigger guns that have more range...
Ill mess with the MPL and the Kaparis from time to time I just settled into what I know/like.

And I just love ghost. I get so many surprise kills. Also being invisible to Cobras and Sentry guns is nice. While you're cowering in a corner I'm shooting it down or walking up to it and knifeing it. Think about how many times you've been watching your radar while running around or even worse posted up and sniping and all the sudden there's a knife in your back. That agony you're feeling is equal to my laughter and joy. If I'm on a two man team we always have a hardline pro guy though. That shit is awesome.

I use marathon on the heavy guns because I'm already slow to run so I need that extra distance in tight spots. Second chance pro for smgs because thats when I'm more likely to run and gun and need it. And since the smgs are so light you run faster already anyway.
The pm63, kipilaris, or mpl. Those SMG's just tick me off for some reason. Maybe its just the fact that you can go around spraying with them, not aiming at anyone specific, and kill three random people...
I think I found the solution to those SMG's though. I just run around with a stakeout and when those guys can't aim well, when I'm in their face, I just blast them full of buckshot.
haha.. yea i remember you going on about how much fun you were having running around w/ the shotty.. lol