Crazy Idea

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what do you guys think about this crazy idea. i have a front mount cold air intake, its mounted right infront of the car "looks like an innercooler pretty nice" if i cut the tubbing ok and attach a intake filter where a shortram one would be but still have the front mount one also attached example. [==]-------~~------{-}

[==] being the intake manifold/ ---- being the pipe/ ~~ the filter inside the engine bay/ {-} front mount intake

what im doing here is since the pipeing is a little long the car wont have to much midrange power because of the long tubbing, but it gains because once im going at 40 mph air is pushing threw that filter forcing some air inthere. so if i have both then it sucks the air it needs when im not going so fast and once im moving past 40 mph extra cold air is getting pushed threw anyways. so what do you guys think of my crazy creation?:confused: :confused: :confused:
gay. the car would still try to pull air from the "wanna be 'innercooler'" therefore not doing you a lick of good. if you want ram air you need to get rid of all the tubing because all of the bends and long tubing hurt the flow of air. if those things actually worked you would see a lot more of them.
from both

you dont get it. it would be like a short ram intake just at the tip of the filter make a hole that connects to the front mount. what ever im gonna do it either way i know its gonna work!!!
so your saying your gona be running something like a y pipe to were you will have a short ram and cold air at the same time
you dont get it. it would be like a short ram intake just at the tip of the filter make a hole that connects to the front mount. what ever im gonna do it either way i know its gonna work!!!

no i get it. but that is the one of the dumbest things ive heard. it wont work. the car will not be able to pull air out of both. it will most likely only pull air out of the "short ram" portion becaue the engine is going to pull the air from the first least resistant air passage.

this wont work

but.. as im moving the air hitting the front of the car is going to be getting PUSHED threw either way. ill take pics once its done so you guys know exactly what im doing. i put a little fan probaly like 5 mph wind ratio infront of the front mount intake. told my g/f to hold it there and i put my hand in the top portion of the pipe and i felt air coming threw. so that means when ill be moving air is gonna be getting pushed inthere alongside the short ram sucking that cold air plus extra air around to. im running 10.1 at the track ill fill you guys in on my next run after my creation.
i put a little fan probaly like 5 mph wind ratio infront of the front mount intake. told my g/f to hold it there and i put my hand in the top portion of the pipe and i felt air coming threw.
i want to see the look on your girlfriends face when she was holding that fan. either she thought you were the dumbest kid ever or she's just as dumb as you and thinks you are a genious. i'm going with option A. this wont work. don't waste your time and money.
I don't even get the point of what you're trying to do. Basically you're saying that you're going to cut the tubing off from your front-mount intake where it enters the engine bay, and then have a short ram intake mounted to the manifold? And the point of this is to direct cold air from the outside of the car towards the filter mounted on the short ram? Is this correct?

Sounds stupid to me...why do you think this will work any better than just leaving all the intake tubing you have now in there? Either just leave all the piping there or rip it all out and install a short-ram intake.

And by the way, front-mount intakes are junk to begin with, as evidenced by the fact that only cheapo companies like APC and Arospeed make them. If they actually worked then the bigger name companies would be making them too. Have you ever seen an AEM, Fujita, or Injen front-mount intake? Yeah, didn't think so...

And anyone who knows jack about cars can tell the difference between a front mounted air filter and an intercooler, so definately not good looking in my opinion...

And also, if you "just know this is gonna work," then why are you even asking??
if you wanted to do something like that, i would ditch the front mount filter and cut that pipe short.. then it would at least draw colder air from outside the engine bay towards the short ram.. but your way of doing it sounds retarded
if you wanted to do something like that, i would ditch the front mount filter and cut that pipe short.. then it would at least draw colder air from outside the engine bay towards the short ram.. but your way of doing it sounds retarded


If you're going to do this then ditch the front filter. Common sense should tell you that you don't need two air filters.
Ha It Worked!!!

its the shortram intake with the front tip of the filter cut off. then the tubing going to the front mount into the engine bay connect to the front tip of the filter. in other words i have the quick air power of a short ram with the benefits of some cold air passing threw also! and my g/f doesnt know anything about cars she just does what i tell her to and tells me yah babe it works! its called a good supporting g/f. and for you guys who talked shit and only shit, i wouldnt like anyone to try to invent anything with you guys. your all purely negative. if you "knew" it was dumb just say its not going to work, or watch how it turns out. shit like that not damn your a dumb ass and what not. w/e thank you for all your attention on this matter.

still pointless. you just don't understand the physics of airflow.
its the shortram intake with the front tip of the filter cut off. then the tubing going to the front mount into the engine bay connect to the front tip of the filter. in other words i have the quick air power of a short ram with the benefits of some cold air passing threw also! and my g/f doesnt know anything about cars she just does what i tell her to and tells me yah babe it works! its called a good supporting g/f. and for you guys who talked shit and only shit, i wouldnt like anyone to try to invent anything with you guys. your all purely negative. if you "knew" it was dumb just say its not going to work, or watch how it turns out. shit like that not damn your a dumb ass and what not. w/e thank you for all your attention on this matter.

hey dbag no one said that you couldnt do it. all you did was make a true cold air intake with the filter in the position of a short ram. your design would be more effiecient if the filter was in the fenderwell where it was getting ONLY cold air and not hot air from the engine bay. so good job retard you officialy invented nothing...hell you should get a patent and then sell that damn thing...i bet you could make millions off of the piece of shit you just created....and dont think that for a minute that you are the first one to think this up. there are idiots just like you all over this damn country that thought this up but never did it because they realized that there is nothing to gain from this.

there was a car at the shop the other day that did the same thing except his filter was protected from the hot engine bay.
oh and btw i also have a supporting g.f and if i come up with some stupid ass idea she tells me so that i dont embarass you successfuly did
oh and btw i also have a supporting g.f and if i come up with some stupid ass idea she tells me so that i dont embarass you successfuly did
exactly why i try to have a gf smarter than me. even if i have a stupid one, i make sure she asks, "are you sure this is a good idea". at least i check myself. haha

wow all you guys are full of shit lmao! are you guys older then 15? i think i just met a bunch of my little brothers friends! lmao!!!!! what a bunch of kids... lmao!!!! come to miami and race my prelude :) you guys are the gayest bunch. lmao!!! o lord thanks for the laughs. retards.:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D