D15B7 vs. D16Z6 Head Bolts

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Junior Member
Ok, I'm doing this head swap, and it's coming time to buy new head bolts. First of all, are the B7 and Z6 head bolts the same? Second, I want to get ARP head studs, but they only sell them for "D16Z" on inlinefour.com. The swap requires D15B7 head bolts, but could I use the head studs from the Z6?
when i did my mini-me i used D16Z6 head bolts with no problem

i would immagine you could use the D16Z6 ARP studs with no problem
Ok, just as a note, I'm doing the mini-me with the Y8 head on the B7 block... I don't know if that make any diff, but people said i should be using the B7 bolts, not the Z6 bolts. Does it make a difference now?